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STPIS 2021 : The 7th International Workshop on Socio-Technical Perspective in IS development


When Oct 14, 2021 - Oct 15, 2021
Where Trento, Italy, online
Submission Deadline Jul 30, 2021
Notification Due Aug 20, 2021
Final Version Due Sep 24, 2021
Categories    information systems   socio-technical perspective   socio-technical approach   HCI

Call For Papers

Dear colleagues,

Please consider submitting by 16th July 2021 for

The 7th International Workshop on Socio-Technical Perspective in IS development (STPIS'21) - 14th - 15th October 2021. This year, the STPIS will take place in connection with the Italian Chapter of the Association for Information Systems (itAIS), in Trento in Italy.

If travel is not possible due to COVID restrictions, or you prefer not to travel, we will be flexible and allow virtual presentations. If needed, STPIS'21 will be held virtually.

Important dates
Initial submission deadline: 30. July 2021
Author notification: 20. August 2021
Registration deadline: To be announced
Camera ready deadline: 24th September 2021
Workshop dates: 14. – 15. October 2021

All deadlines are 23:59 Anywhere on Earth (AoE) (UTC -12).

A socio-technical perspective sees an organization as a combination of two components – a social and a technical one. The real pattern of behaviour in the organization is determined by how well these parts fit each other. While analyzing system problems of getting things done, adequate consideration should be given to technology as well as informal and formal interactions of people.

Despite that a socio-technical perspective has been around for over a half century, it is often forgotten in the IS discourse today. Consequently, many “new approaches” appear to reflect on IS systems problems, such as modern IT systems poorly adjusted to the external or/and internal environment (e.g., market, organizational culture) of organizations in which they are (to be) deployed. We strongly believe that it is high time the social-technical perspective took its proper place in IS research, practice, and teaching.

[a] You are invited to submit a short or long paper in the categories mentioned below by 16th July, these submissions will be peer-reviewed.
[b] Authors are required to register and participate in the workshop discussions and to present their paper.
[c] Accepted papers and reports, that have been presented in the workshop, will be published in the workshop proceedings (see below).
[d] Selected papers will be invited to be extended and submitted to special issues (see below).

We invite submissions of short papers (5-9 pages, excluding references) or long papers (10-20 pages, excluding references) in the following categories:

1. Full research papers: reporting original research results in the area addressed by the workshop. You should report original and finished research, which is based on solid research questions or hypothesis.
2. Work-in-progress papers: provide an opportunity to present early ideas and receive feedback on research-in-progress. You should describe original, but unfinished research, which should be based on solid research questions or hypothesis.
3. Position papers: raising relevant questions in the workshop area, identifying problems, and providing a glimpse of solution for a given problem and these papers are typically short. Representing a basis for discussion, a position paper does not necessarily need to include solutions to its stated problems.
4. Idea papers: exploring the history, successes, and challenges of IS development from a socio-technical perspective. Contrary to position papers, idea papers should provide the in-depth analysis of a problem, review its existing solutions, demonstrate insufficiency of these solutions, and suggest new (not yet evaluated but well argued) solutions.
5. Experience reports: presenting challenges encountered in practice, success, and failure stories. An experience report should clearly describe the working context and be focused on the problems and on the lessons learned.

The main purpose of the workshop is to arrange discussions on using a socio-technical perspective in organizational systems development, the long-term goal being to make this workshop a meeting place for the community of researchers and practitioners interested in the socio-technical approach.

The workshop will take place over two full days. We will focus on engaging academics, researchers and practitioners through a keynote presentation and discussion, paper presentations, and panel discussion. There will be time to focus on connections between scholars using socio-technical approaches in information systems research and stimulate discourse to build collaborations.

Please refer to our website for further information:

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

1. Contemporary socio-technical approaches, in practice and theory
2. Experiences of and reflections about using socio-technical approaches in practice
3. Industry 5.0 / Society 6.0 as part of socio-technical practice and agenda
4. Methodological aspects of using socio-technical approaches in practice
5. Socio-technical approach: Education and training
6. Case studies using socio-technical approaches
7. Information system design using socio-technical approaches
8. Socio-technical comparative studies of technology/IS adoption
9. Socio-technical analysis, design, development, and integration of
- health care systems
- crisis management systems
- information security management systems
- learning systems
- privacy enhanced technology
- work-systems
- knowledge management
- job-crafting
- work and information systems de-design
- human activity systems
10. Societal Security from a socio-technical perspective
11. Information Systems Security from a socio-technical perspective
12. Ethnographic and Anthropological aspects of IS design and adoption
13. Philosophical aspects of socio-technical practices
14. Socio-technical HCI
15. IT business alignment from a socio-technical perspective
16. Using Viable System Model (VSM) for analysis and design of socio-technical systems

As with the previous editions of STPIS, we are planning to produce proceedings on-line via CEUR services. CEUR proceedings are indexed by DBLP, Google Scholar, Scopus, CiteSeer/CiteSeerX, etc. For Scandinavian researchers, the publisher is in the Norska systemet rated as level 1 (which is the highest level for the conferences and workshops), as well as in Finnish JuFo system as level 1. Proceedings for the previous editions of STPIS can be found here: , , , , , and

Special issues
In addition to the proceedings, we will organize a special issue in Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly where selected papers related to that topic will be invited to be extended and submitted for review to the special issue. These papers will have to pass a double-blind peer review process. More information about the journal is on: In addition to that, selected papers related specifically to the topic of learning, pedagogy and education will be invited to be further extended and submitted to Journal on Efficiency and Responsibility in Education and Science (ERIES Journal). These papers will also have to pass a fast-track double-blind peer review process. More information about the journal is on:

Organizing committee
Peter Bednar, University of Portsmouth, UK & Lund University, Sweden – General chair
Alexander Nolte, University of Tartu, Estonia & Carnegie Mellon University, USA – Program chair
Mikko Rajanen, University of Oulu, Finland – Publicity & Proceedings chair
Anna Sigridur Islind, Reykjavik University, Iceland – Workshop chair
Helena Vallo Hult, University West & NU Hospital Group, Sweden – Workshop chair
Fatema Zaghloul, University of Portsmouth, UK – Workshop chair
Aurelio Ravarini, LIUC Business School, Italy – Local Organizing chair
Alessio Maria Braccini, Università degli Studi della Tuscia, Italy – Local Organizing chair

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