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Ecofeminist Drama 2021 : Ecofeminist Drama: Environment, Gender, and Theatre


When Apr 28, 2021 - Apr 28, 2021
Where Publication
Submission Deadline Apr 28, 2021
Notification Due May 10, 2021
Final Version Due Nov 1, 2021
Categories    humanities   environment   literature   ecology

Call For Papers

Chapter proposals are invited for the book "Ecofeminist Drama: Environment, Gender, and Theatre." The editors of the book series "Methuen Drama Agitations: Text, Politics and Performances," published by Bloomsbury, have expressed strong interest in publishing "Ecofeminist Drama." Chapters on 21st-century drama and theatre are especially encouraged, and all proposals must have a strong ecofeminist perspective. Interested authors should send a 300- to 500-word abstract, 200-word biography, and sample of a previously published chapter or article to Dr. Douglas Vakoch at by April 28, 2021. We seek a broadly international group of scholarly contributors.

Confirmed chapters include:

- Introduction. Ecofeminism and Drama, Işıl Şahin Gülter, PhD, Department of English Language and Literature, Fırat University, Turkey
- Shakespeare and Ecofeminism, Mamata Sengupta, PhD, Department of English, Islampur College, India
- Disrupting the Patriarchy of the Green Wood, Hadley Kamminga-Peck, PhD, Theatre Historian and Head of Directing, Western Illinois University, USA
- Pregnancy and Ecofeminism in English Early Modern Drama, Katarzyna Burzyńska, PhD, Department of Studies in Culture, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland
- Drama, Displacement, and Ecofeminist Advocacy in Africa, Stephen Ogheneruro Okpadah, PhD, Department of the Performing Arts, University of Ilorin, Nigeria
- An Ecofeminist Reading of Cherríe Moraga's Heroes and Saints, Amany El-Sawy, PhD, English Department, Alexandria University, Egypt
- The Discourse of Ecofeminism and Contemporary Masculinity in Urban India, Jennifer Monteiro, PhD, Department of English, Jesus and Mary College, University of Delhi, India
- ‘The Violets have broken the rocks:’ An Ecofeminist Reading of Southern American Nature and Women in Tennessee Williams’ Glass Menagerie, Olfa Gandouz Ayeb, PhD, The Higher Institute of Languages Moknine, University of Monastir, Tunisia, On Secondment to the Faculty of Sciences and Humanities Alkharej, The University of Sattam, Saudi Arabia
- Theatre/Feminist Ecology: An Ecofeminist Critique of Plays by Women Playwrights, Pranab Kumar Mandal, Department of English, Ramakrishna Mission Residential College under the University of Calcutta, India; Saswati Halder, PhD, Department of English and Centre for Victorian Studies, Jadavpur University, India
- Relational Performativity: Entanglement of Drama and Ecofeminist Views, Z. Gizem Yılmaz Karahan, PhD, Department of English Language and Literature, Social Sciences University of Ankara, Turkey
- Possibilities of Ecofeminism and Theatre: An Expansion of Performance Ecologies, Karie Miller, MFA, PhD, Department of Theatre and Dance, Dickinson College, USA

Authors will be notified whether their proposals are accepted by May 10, 2021. Solid first drafts of full chapters are due by September 1, 2021, and final versions that cross-reference other chapters extensively are due November 1, 2021. Each chapter must have at least one author who has completed their PhD and has an academic position. Only previously unpublished works will be considered.

The editor of "Ecofeminist Drama: Environment, Gender, and Theatre" has published extensively in ecofeminism, with previous books including:

- "Ecofeminist Science Fiction: International Perspectives on Gender, Ecology, and Literature" (2021)
- "Dystopias and Utopias on Earth and Beyond: Feminist Ecocriticism of Science Fiction" (2021)
- "Literature and Ecofeminism: Intersectional and International Voices" (2018)
- "Ecofeminism in Dialogue" (2017)
- "Women and Nature?: Beyond Dualism in Gender, Body, and Environment" (2017)
- "Feminist Ecocriticism: Environment, Women, and Literature" (2012)
- "Ecofeminism and Rhetoric: Critical Perspectives on Sex, Technology, and Discourse" (2011)

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