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EAAMO 2021 : ACM Conference on Equity and Access in Algorithms, Mechanisms, and Optimization


When Oct 5, 2021 - Oct 9, 2021
Where Virtual
Submission Deadline Jun 14, 2021
Notification Due Aug 4, 2021
Categories    computer science   mechanism design   operational research   machine learning

Call For Papers

The 1st ACM Conference on Equity and Access in Algorithms, Mechanisms, and Optimization (EAAMO’21) Invitation to Register

Dear all,
We are thrilled to announce that the registration for EAAMO ‘21 is now live! Please register for regular admission on Eventbrite ( by September 10, 2021.

Conference registration is $20 for ACM members, $15 for students, and $35 for non-ACM members. We also provide financial assistance and data grants in order to waive registration fees and provide data plans to facilitate virtual attendance. Please apply here ( before September 10, 2021.

A main goal of the conference is to bridge research and practice. Please nominate practitioners ( working with underserved and disadvantaged communities to join us at the conference (you can also nominate yourself if you are a practitioner). Invited practitioners will be included in facilitated discussions with researchers.

For more information, please see below or visit our website ( and contact us at with any questions.

The inaugural Conference on Equity and Access in Algorithms, Mechanisms, and Optimization (EAAMO ‘21) will take place on October 5-9, 2021, virtually, on Zoom and EAAMO ‘21 will be sponsored by ACM SIGAI and SIGecom.

The goal of this event is to highlight work where techniques from algorithms, optimization, and mechanism design, along with insights from the social sciences and humanistic studies, can improve access to opportunity for historically underserved and disadvantaged communities.

The conference aims to foster a multi-disciplinary community, facilitating interactions between academia, industry, and the public and voluntary sectors. The program will feature keynote presentations from researchers and practitioners as well as contributed presentations in the research and policy & practice tracks.

We are excited to host a series of keynote speakers from a variety of fields: Solomon Assefa (IBM Research), Dirk Bergemann (Yale University), Ellora Derenoncourt (University of California, Berkeley), Ashish Goel (Stanford University), Mary Gray (Microsoft Research), Krishna Gummadi (Max Planck Institute for Software Systems), Avinatan Hassidim (Bar Ilan University), Radhika Khosla (University of Oxford), Sylvia Ortega Salazar (National College of Vocational and Professional Training), and Trooper Sanders (Benefits Data Trust). More information about the keynote speakers can be found in

ACM EAAMO is part of the Mechanism Design for Social Good (MD4SG) initiative (, and builds on the MD4SG technical workshop series and tutorials at conferences including ACM EC, ACM COMPASS, ACM FAccT, and WINE.

Topics of Interest
For all submissions in either track, topics of interest include but are not limited to:

* market and mechanism design challenges in resource-constrained settings
* redistributive mechanisms to improve access to opportunity
* improving social service delivery and evaluation
* allocating health insurance funds and managing access to healthcare
* equitable provision of healthcare across communities
* economic inequality and intergenerational mobility
* mitigating unequal economic outcomes in on- and off-line labor markets
* detecting existence or causes of exploitative market behavior in labor markets
* improving diversity and equity using algorithmic approaches
* market regulations for data and privacy
* evaluating the impacts of teachers, schools, or education policy
* improving allocation of educational resources
* measuring and evaluating progress to achieve sustainable development goals
* reducing inefficiencies in smallholder farms and under-resourced supply chains
* algorithmic proposals to encourage civic participation
* evaluating fairness in electoral representation
* informing climate change and policy design
* designing equitable transportation systems
* tackling infrastructural challenges impacting marginalized communities
* ethical considerations when using interventions informed by algorithm and mechanism design in public sector settings

Organizing Committee:
Program Co-Chairs:
* Rediet Abebe, University of California Berkeley & Harvard Society of Fellows
* Irene Lo, Stanford University
* Ana-Andreea Stoica, Columbia University

Executive Committee:
* Rediet Abebe, University of California Berkeley & Harvard Society of Fellows
* Kira Goldner, Columbia University
* Maximilian Kasy, University of Oxford
* Jon Kleinberg, Cornell University
* Illenin Kondo, the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
* Sera Linardi, University of Pittsburgh
* Irene Lo, Stanford University
* Ana-Andreea Stoica, Columbia University

General Chair:
* Illenin Kondo, the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
* Francisco Marmolejo-Cossio, University of Oxford

For any questions, comments, or inquiries, email us at

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