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OPAL 2021 : 4th International Conference on Optics, Photonics and Lasers


When Oct 13, 2021 - Oct 15, 2021
Where Corfu Holiday Palace, Corfu, Greece
Abstract Registration Due Sep 20, 2021
Submission Deadline Jul 10, 2021
Notification Due Jul 25, 2021
Final Version Due Oct 1, 2021
Categories    optics   photonics   lasers   holography

Call For Papers

Similar to the previous OPAL conferences, the 4th International Conference on Optics, Photonics and Lasers (OPAL' 2021) will incorporate three symposiums covering a broaden range in optics, photonics and lasers, and provide an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas and present latest advancements in these areas. The OPAL 2021 will be organized by the IFSA - professional, non-profit association serving for industry and academy more than 20 years.

The purpose of OPAL’ 2021 is bring together leading international researchers, engineers and practitioners interested on any of the optical related technologies. The conference will offer plenary and invited talks, contributed oral and poster presentations, special sessions, tutorials, and exhibitions of commercial products. Social and cultural events will also take place to foster networking among the participants in a friendly manner.

The previous OPAL’ 2018 (Barcelona, Spain), OPAL' 2019 (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) and OPAL' 2020 (Tenerife (Canary Islands), Spain) conferences have attracted many researchers and practitioners in the related fields, from around the world and all continents, who have presented the latest results covering theory, design, device technology and applications. We trust that you will find OPAL' 2021 conference professionally rewarding and stimulating as well as enjoyable.

The conference is focusing any significant breakthrough and innovation in optics, photonics, lasers and its applications:


* Optical and Fibre Optical Sensors and Instrumentation
* Micro-Opto-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MOEMS)
* Physical Optics
* Adaptive Optics
* Optoelectronic Devices
* Organic Optoelectronics
* Optical Communications, Switching and Networks
* High-speed Opto-electronic Networking
* Optical Fiber Technology: Materials, Devices and Systems
* Optical Information Processing
* Holography
* Optical Metrology
* Optical Imaging Systems and Machine Vision
* Optical Computing
* Guided Wave Optics
* Optics in Condensed and Soft Matter
* Quantum Optics
* Nonlinear Optics
* Nano and Micro Optics
* Matter Waves
* Quantum Information
* Bio and Medical Optics
* Optical Materials, Characterization Methods and Techniques
* Optical Methods for Process Control
* Microscopy and Adaptive Optics
* Engineering Applications of Spectroscopy
* Optical Microscopy of Composites
* Printed Optical Waveguides


* Photonic Sensors
* Photodetectors
* Photonic Integrated Circuit (PIC)
* Photonic Integration and Packaging
* Photonic Crystals
* Silicon Photonics
* Biophotonics
* Microwave Photonics
* Nanophotonics
* Photonic Materials and Metameterials
* Quantum Photonics
* Terahertz Photonics
* Photonic Computing
* Organic Photonic Materials and Devices
* 2D Photonic Materials and Devices
* Photonic Instrumentation Engeneering
* Applications of Photonic Technologies


* Laser Science
* Laser and laser optics
* Semiconductor Lasers
* Laser Metrology
* Chemical Gas Lasers
* Fiber Lasers
* Nonlinear Lasers
* Laser Propulsion
* Lasers and LEDs
* Laser Nanotechnology
* Laser Spectroscopy and Microscopy
* Laser Applications
* Lasers in Medicine and Biology
* Ultrafast Laser-Matter Interaction

Contribution Types:

• Keynote and invited presentations
• Industrial presentations
• Regular papers
• Posters

Special Sessions:

Authors are welcome to organize and manage special sessions during the conference. Each session will contain 4-6 papers in a related field as specified above or proposed by a session organizer.

Session organizers will get:

• Certificate of Appreciation
• Free Registration for the Event
• Special Publishing Theme within Conference Proceedings
• Free article and book chapter post conference publications in appropriate open
access journals and ‘Advances in Optics: Reviews’, Book Series, Vol. 6


) All registered abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings (USB flash drive edition of published Proceedings with the ISBN), distributed during the conference and submitted for indexing to the Web of Science. The previous OPAL' 2018 and OPAL Conference proceedings are indexed by the Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI), Web of Science.

2) Authors will be invited to submit full-page extended papers to the special issue of Sensors & Transducers open access journal (ISSN 2306-8515, e-ISSN 1726-5479) for free of charge.

3) The limited number of full-page papers published in the journal will be selected by the Editorial Board to extend for book chapters for the open access Book Series on 'Advances in Optics: Reviews', Vol. 6. This open access Book Series is indexed in Book Citation Index, Web of Science.

Related Resources

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OPAL 2024   7th International Conference on Optics, Photonics and Lasers
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IACOP 2024   The 2nd International Academic Conference on Optics and Photonics
SPIE DCS 2025   SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing 2025
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