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CIIS-UL 2021 : IV International Congress in Systems Engineering


When Oct 26, 2021 - Oct 28, 2021
Where Lima
Submission Deadline Jul 31, 2021
Notification Due Sep 6, 2021
Final Version Due Sep 20, 2021
Categories    information systems   software engineering   computer science   information technologies

Call For Papers

CIIS 2021 : IV International Congress in Systems Engineering
In its fourth edition, the CIIS is no stranger to the challenges arising from the global health crisis we are facing: mobility restrictions, social distancing or stoppage of face-to-face activities. However, life goes on, and both people and organizations had to adapt to the new reality, as well as develop and strengthen digital skills allowing them to have virtual interactions and experiences which not only compensate physical counterparts but also represent new opportunities. This context seems to be the new sign of our times and is the issue that we propose for this new edition of the congress: a digital society with challenges and opportunities of a new reality that has come to stay and that we must promptly embrace in a digital symbiosis where we can thrive again.

Due to the health emergency caused by COVID-19, the congress will be held completely as a virtual or remote event, including the presentations of those papers and posters approved.

CIIS 2021 will be held on October 26, 27 and 28 of 2021 and we will provide a space of international academic scope.

Call For Papers:
We welcome original papers reporting on research and empirical studies in the following, but not limited to, area topics:

Information Systems:
Education in Information Systems
Global issues in IS
Security, Privacy and Ethics in IS
Project Management

Software Engineering:
Software Architectures
Agile Methodologies
Requirements Engineering
Formal Methods
Methodologies in Software Development
Quality Assurance
Mobile and Ubiquous Systems
Testing, Verification and Validation of Software

Computer Science:
Data Structures and Algorithms
Big Data
Computer Graphics
Computer Science Education
Data Mining
Human Computer Interaction
Artificial Intelligence
Information Processing
Virtual and Augmented Reality
Theory of Computing
Computational Vision
Social and Ethics Issues in Computing

Information Technology
Internet of Things
Embedded Systems
Cloud Computing
Software define Networks
Web and Internet Computing
Grid Computing
Green Computing
Networks and Communications

– Deadline: July 31st, 2021.
– Notice of Acceptance: September 6th, 2021.
– Submission of Final Versions: September 20th, 2021.

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