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HLPP 2021 : 14th International Symposium on High-Level Parallel Programming and Applications


When Jul 12, 2021 - Jul 13, 2021
Where Cluj-Napoca, Romania - ONLINE
Abstract Registration Due May 9, 2021
Submission Deadline May 16, 2021
Notification Due Jun 14, 2021
Categories    parallel programming

Call For Papers

Aims and Scope
As processor and system manufacturers adjust their roadmaps towards increasing levels of both inter and intra-chip parallelism, so the urgency of reorienting the mainstream software industry towards these architectures grows. At present, popular parallel and distributed programming methodologies are dominated by low-level techniques such as send/receive message passing, or equivalently unstructured shared memory mechanisms. Higher-level, structured approaches offer many possible advantages and have a key role to play in the scalable exploitation of ubiquitous parallelism.
HLPP symposia provide a forum for discussion and research about such high-level approaches to parallel and distributed programming.

High-level parallel programming and performance models (e.g. BSP, CGM, LogP, MPM, etc.) and tools
Declarative parallel and distributed programming methodologies based on functional, logical, data-flow, actor, and other paradigms
Algorithmic skeletons, patterns, etc. and constructive methods
High-level parallelism in programming languages and libraries (e.g, OCaml, Haskell, Scala, C++, etc.): semantics and implementation
Verification of declarative parallel and distributed programs
Efficient code generation, auto-tuning and optimization for parallel and distributed programs
Model-driven software engineering for parallel and distributed systems
Domain-specific languages: design, implementation and applications
High-level programming models for heterogeneous/hierarchical platforms with accelerators, e.g., GPU, Many-core, DSP, VPU, FPGA, etc.
High-level parallel methods for large structured and semi-structured datasets
Applications of parallel and distributed systems using high-level languages and tools
Teaching experience with high-level tools and methods for parallel and distributed computing

Important Dates
Abstract submission: April 11, 2021, Extended: May 9
Paper submission: April 18, 2021, Extended: May 16
Notification: June 14, 2021
Draft proceedings version: July 5, 2021
Journal paper submission: September 11, 2021
Journal paper publications: Mid 2022

Papers submitted to HLPP 2021 must describe original research results and must not have been published or simultaneously submitted anywhere else. As it is traditional for HLPP symposia, the accepted papers will be distributed at the symposium in draft proceedings, and revised papers will be published in the special issue of an international journal (the name of the journal is to be confirmed). In the past years, the journals were the International Journal of Parallel Programming and The Journal of Supercomputing.

Manuscripts must be prepared with the Springer IJSS latex macro package using the single column option (\documentclass[smallextended]{svjour3}) and submitted via the EasyChair Conference Management System as one pdf file. The strict page limit for initial submission and camera-ready version is 20 pages in the aforementioned format.

Each paper will receive a minimum of three reviews by members of the international technical program committee. Papers will be selected based on their originality, relevance, technical clarity and quality of presentation. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the HLPP 2021 symposium and present the paper.

After the symposium the authors of the accepted papers will have ample time to revise their papers and to incorporate the potential comments and remarks of their colleagues. We expect the HLPP 2021 special issue to appear by mid-2022.


Virginia Niculescu, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Frédéric Loulergue, Université d’Orléans, France

Programme Committee
Marco Aldinucci, University of Torino, Italy
Miguel Areias, University of Porto, Portugal
Ioana Banicescu, Mississippi State University, USA
Murray Cole, The University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Frédéric Dabrowski, LIFO – Université d’Orléans, France
Kento Emoto, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
Jose Daniel Garcia, University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain
Alex Gerbessiotis, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
Sergei Gorlatch, University of Muenster, Germany
Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Dalvan Griebler, PUCRS/SETREM, Brasil
Gaétan Hains, Huawei Paris Research Center, France
Ludovic Henrio,CNRS- Centre national de la recherche scientifique, France
Christoph Kessler, Linköping University, Sweden
Herbert Kuchen, University of Muenster, Germany
Kiminori Matsuzaki, Kochi University of Technology, Japan
Aleksandar Prokopec, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Sophie Robert, LIFO – Université d’Orléans, France
Kostis Sagonas, Uppsala University, Sweden
Michel Steuwer, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Massimo Torquati, University of Pisa, Italy
Jesper-Larsson Träff, Vienna University of Technology, Austria

Steering Committee
Alexander Tiskin (University of Warwick, United Kingdom)
Clemens Grelck (Universiteit van Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Frederic Loulergue (Université d’Orléans, France)
Gaétan Hains (Huawei Technologies Paris, France)
Kiminori Matsuzaki (Kochi University of Technology, Japan)
Quentin Miller (Somerville College Oxford, United Kingdom)

Past HLPP Symposia

Related Resources

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IWOMP 2024   20th International Workshop on OpenMP
CPAIOR 2024   International Conference on the Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research
PCDS 2024   The 1st International Symposium on Parallel Computing and Distributed Systems
HiPC 2024   31st IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics
ASPLOS 2025   The ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems
ICMCT&A 2025   ICMCT&A´25 - The 2025 International Conference on Marketing, Communication, Technologies and Applications
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