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IJCAI-AIofAI 2021 : 1st Workshop on Adverse Impacts and Collateral Effects of AI Technologies


When Aug 21, 2021 - Aug 26, 2021
Where Montréal, Canada
Submission Deadline May 10, 2021
Notification Due May 25, 2021
Categories    artificial intelligence   privacy   trust   ethics

Call For Papers

* Extended Deadline: May 5, 2021 *

Invited keynote speaker: Carissa Véliz (University of Oxford, UK), author of the best-selling book "Privacy is Power" (Penguin, 2020).

In conjunction with the 30th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-2021)

The role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in people’s everyday life has grown exponentially over the last decade. Currently, individuals rely heavily on intelligent software applications across different domains including healthcare, logistics, defence, and governance. Particularly, AI systems facilitate decision-making processes across these domains through the automatic analysis and classification of large data sets and the subsequent identification of relevant patterns. To a large extent, such an approach has contributed to the sustainable development of modern societies and remains a powerful instrument for social and economic growth. However, recent events related to the massive spread of misinformation and deepfakes, along with large privacy and security breaches, have raised concerns among AI practitioners and researchers about the negative and detrimental impacts of these technologies. Hence, there is an urgent call for guidelines, methods, and techniques to assess and mitigate the potentially adverse impacts and side effects of AI applications.

This workshop explores how and up to which extent AI technologies can serve deceptive and malicious purposes either intentionally or not. Furthermore, it seeks to elaborate on countermeasures and mitigation actions to prevent potential negative effects and collateral damages of AI systems. For this, we invite AI researchers and practitioners across different disciplines and knowledge backgrounds to submit contributions dealing with the following (or related) topics:

Hazardous AI applications:
- Deepfakes.
- Fake news and misinformation.
- Online deception.
- Malicious personalization.
- Social engineering.

Adverse impacts of AI:
- Privacy and security breaches.
- Backfire effects.
- Guidelines and mitigation actions.
- Ethical conflicts and challenges.
- Risk assessment methods.

Responsible AI:
- Case studies.
- Best practices for trustworthy AI.

We welcome submissions spanning the full range of theoretical and applied work including user research, methods, tools, simulations, demos, and practical evaluations. Submissions should be 6-8 pages for full technical papers and 2-4 pages for position papers or demos including references. Papers should be formatted according to the IJCAI instructions. Templates (Word and Latex) and complete guidelines can be found here

Submissions will be peer-reviewed by 2-3 members of the program committee in a single-blind process. Accepted papers will be included in the workshop proceedings and published on CEUR-WS. Selected papers will be invited afterwards to submit an extended version for a special issue in a journal edited by the workshop organizers.

Submission Deadline: 10.05.2021

Notification: 25.05.2021

Submission Link:

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