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ZIPA 2021 : 1st Workshop on Zero Involvement Pairing and Authentication


When Jun 24, 2021 - Jun 25, 2021
Where Virtual
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    security and privacy   zero interaction auth

Call For Papers

Zero-interaction pairing (ZIP), zero interaction authentication (ZIA) and continuous authentication are emerging techniques that enable users and devices to form self-organizing networks and mutually verify their identities without the use of passwords. Two devices that want to authenticate with one another both measure environmental noise signals and, using ZIP, can convert their measurements to authentication keys. In a scenario where both devices have already established a shared key, they can use ZIA to mutually verify their proximity to one another, for example as a second authentication factor. Network formation with ZIA and ZIP offers the advantage of being both secure and transparent to the user in the sense that no user involvement is required to configure a network. ZIA and ZIP have tremendous potential as an alternative to passwords, particularly in unattended systems like those in the Internet of Things. But ZIA and ZIP also represent a relatively new form of authentication, and we lack a comprehensive understanding of many of their practical and theoretical properties. This workshop aims to serve as a forum for researchers who are interested in ZIA to discuss unsolved problems and formulate new research directions with the goal of making ZIA a practical, secure, and user-friendly form of authentication. Submissions should be no more than 6 U.S. letter pages in PDF format, including all references, figures, and tables.

Topics of interest include:

Information-theoretic fundamentals and limitations of ZIA
New key reconciliation techniques
New key generation techniques
Applications of ZIA
Real-world deployment experiences with ZIA systems
Methods of sampling or extracting environmental noise signals
Methods for distinguishing legitimate users from imposters on ZIA networks
Techniques for compromising security of ZIA authentication systems
Microcontroller-friendly techniques for evaluating key quality in real time

Paper Submission Deadline: May 21th
Notification of Acceptance: May 28th
Camera Ready Deadline: June 4th
Workshop Date Jun 24, 2021 - Jun 25, 2021

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