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BioCreativeVII 2021 : BioCreative VII Challenge and Workshop - Call For Participation


When Nov 8, 2021 - Nov 10, 2021
Where virtual
Submission Deadline Oct 18, 2021
Notification Due Oct 22, 2021
Categories    bioinformatics   text mining   machine learning   NLP

Call For Papers

BioCreative VII workshop: We are accepting abstracts for posters (and flash talks) until October 18.

Registration is now open (, it is virtual and free.

Abstracts could be on topics related to BioCreative VII tracks (including chemical name entity recognition, relation extraction involving chemicals, COVID-19 related text mining, datasets, and standards related to these)

Specification: Length up to 500 words (excluding title and authors info), font Times New Roman, size 11. In addition, you can include up to two figures and 5 references (using numbers in parentheses in text).

To submit your work go to Easychair:, and select the applicable option (a track or poster). Format for all submissions is PDF.

BioCreative VII Challenge and Workshop

Call for Participation

We invite you to attend the BioCreative VII workshop, to be held online November 8-10, 2021.

Program highlights:

Keynote: Dr. Joshua Denny, Chief Executive Officer of the All of Us Research Program at NIH
Presentations from participants in the BioCreative VII Challenge tracks:
- NLM-Chem Track: Full-text Chemical Identification and Indexing in PubMed articles
- Automatic extraction of medication names in tweets
- DrugProt: Text mining drug/chemical-protein interactions
- LitCovid track Multi-label topic classification for COVID-19 literature annotation
- COVID-19 text mining tool interactive demo
Panel: Mining adverse drug reactions
Poster session, with selected posters presented as flash talks.

The workshop will be held over Zoom from 2:30 pm to 6:15 pm UTC each day (9:30 am - 1:15 pm EST). Registration is free and will remain open until November 5, or until capacity is reached.

We invite the larger community to submit posters on topics related to the BioCreative VII Challenge tasks. Accepted posters will be presented as short, pre-recorded videos in a YouTube channel, with selected posters also presented as flash talks at the workshop. The BioCreative VII Workshop Information page ( contains instructions for submitting a poster abstract.

We look forward to seeing you at the workshop!

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