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FUTE 2021 : 2120: FUTURE TESTIMONIES - Building together the territories of tomorrow


When Jan 1, 2021 - Jun 8, 2021
Where Europe
Submission Deadline Jun 8, 2021
Categories    architecture   sustainability   circular economy   agenda 2030

Call For Papers

Building together the territories of tomorrow


This time we decided to focus our research on a topic that is very dear to us: environmental sustainability and, specifically, the circular economy. Starting, as it is our custom, from an architectural point of view, we have discussed how the impact of the use of new materials and technologies in a circular economy key, could overturn and call into question the very meaning of architecture and living.

How do we conceive architecture today, if we already imagine how it can be transformed and recycled at the end of its life cycle?

How, then, are we imagining the cities and territories of tomorrow?

How important were the testimonies of our past in the construction of today's cities? And how important will today's testimonies be for the city we will build tomorrow?

The Covid-19 pandemic has certainly brought to light the criticalities of our cities and territories, but above all it has called into question the living models that we thought ideal until now. We have been quickly able to overturn our habits and adapt living spaces into working spaces. Are we still sure that the model of city and territory we have pursued so far, is still the best for our future?

What will the cities and territories of tomorrow look like from the point of view of sustainability and the circular economy?


Deadline 08th June 2021

Cities, places par excellence of social interactions and events, of tangible evidence of the passage of man and his history, have the power to influence the lifestyles, rhythms, customs, tastes, habits and perception of the reality of their inhabitants or users. Precisely in this difficult period during which we are strongly facing the Coronavirus pandemic, we have realised how fragile our territories were and how easily we were able to question the usability and the conception of our living, working and public spaces.

The city and, more generally, the territories are today called upon to reprogram their economy according to the goals of Agenda 2030 and to respond to new social rules. From the point of view of sustainability objectives, it is therefore essential to rethink cities as places where resources and relationships generate social, environmental and economic value. Through a regenerative action of the city and its territories, the future scenario seems to suggest more and more the use of local materials and labour, the re-valorisation of pre-existences and a more active use of urban spaces.

The circular economy, with its multiple derivations, seems to provide the solutions to transform these ideas into reality.

"The circular economy [...] (influences) each step of the value chain - from production to consumption, repair and remanifacturing, waste management, and secondary raw materials that are fed back into the economy.”
EU Commission, Factsheets about circular economy, 2015

On today's choices will depend not only the life of the territories of tomorrow, but the way they will be perceived and enjoyed by future generations. To build these testimonies together, we also need your voice. We believe that it is fundamental to collect opinions, direct experiences or ideas, in a more participatory key. So tell us your vision, idea or project that looks to the future of our cities and territories, with a view to sustainable development and circular economy.

How to submit

1. Write your opinion in a text of minimum 1000 words [PDF FORMAT]
2. Express your idea through a drawing, a picture or a photo [JPEG, 10x15 cm] 
We care about copyright. If you can’t do a picture yourself, please visit
3. Write a short CV, describing your profession and what passionate you [PDF FORMAT] 
We like meeting people! If you like, attach also a picture of you
4. Collect the files in a .zip folder, and send it to us by email to


[ˇ∫akàar] fr. ,wants to be a metaphor for an ancient object, revised in a contemporary key. Through the image of a Jacquard loom, the platform wants to make of the macro themes proposed, what a loom does with simple coloured yarns. The complex canvas of architecture will therefore be proposed, for the first time, through the exaltation of each of the yarns that compose it.

Proposing themes of architectural origin, found and extracted from one of the 17 Goals of Agenda 2030 each time, Jacquard will use architecture as a pretext to give voice to all the disciplines that closely deal with these issues. Through call for papers, every topic can be discussed by each of the experts from the different disciplines involved. In this way, for a given topic, it will easily be possible to get an idea of how different, yet linked to each other, the various opinions of the different actors involved are.

If you have any question, do not hesitate to contact us

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