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WCSA 2021 : Wireless Congress: Systems and Applications


When Nov 9, 2021 - Nov 11, 2021
Where virtual/online
Submission Deadline Jun 14, 2021
Categories    electronics engineering   mobile   wireless communications   wireless

Call For Papers

Modified 30.4.2021:

Once again this year, the COVID 19 pandemic is not letting us go. It is impossible to predict how travel and events will be regulated and restricted in the fall – whether from government agencies or company-specific requirements.
Therefore, in order to give speakers a reliable planning option, we will again organize the Wireless Congress: Systems & Applications as an online conference.

This will result in the following changes:
* Wireless Congress 2021: Systems & Applications will be held over three days, November 9-11, 2021.
* Speakers will give their presentations "remotely" from their computers (office/home office) and communicate with the conference platform and congress participants via internet connectivity.
* The call for papers is extended until June 14, 2021.


18th Wireless Congress: Systems & Applications
November 9-11, 2021, Munich, Germany

Call for Papers & Workshops

Greater bandwidth, higher frequencies, better availability and more reliability.

5G and Wi-Fi 6E are just two of the well-known wireless technologies that are opening up new, higher frequency bands for a broad range of applications. Along with the mmWave bands, the THz spectrum is currently being targeted at communication applications as well as sensor technology, e.g. for material analysis.

However, this does not mean that lower frequency ranges are losing their appeal. Quite the contrary. New wireless protocols are enabling applications that have high requirements in terms of availability, reliability and robustness in the industrial, automotive and medical markets.

The Wireless Congress 2021 will focus on the latest developments and the practical application of advanced wireless systems in industry: 5G, 6G, Wi-Fi 6, TSN for wireless networks, resilient networks, wireless sensing, information-centric networking, software defined networking (SDN), next generation LPWAN and much more as well as the use of AI in communication networks.

The technical journal Elektronik, the Messe München, organizers of the electronica trade fair and the German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association (ZVEI), are therefore staging the Wireless Congress: Systems & Applications on November 9-11, 2021, as a virtual conference.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: trends, design, technology and applications in the following sectors:

▪ Mobile Communication
▪ Low Power Wide Area Networks
▪ Software Defined Networking (SDN)
▪ AI in Communication Systems
▪ Emerging Technologies, e.g. Resilient Networking, Information Centric Networks
▪ Real Time Applications, Wireless TSN
▪ Software Defined Radio and Cognitive Radio
▪ Wireless Sensing
▪ EMC and Interoperability
▪ Wireless Test and Measurement
▪ Frontends and Transceivers
▪ RF Semiconductors and Components
▪ Antenna Design
▪ Energy Harvesting for Wireless Systems

▪ 4G, 5G and 6G, 6LoWPAN, Ant, Bluetooth, DECT, EnOcean, IP 500, IQRF, KNX RF, LiFi, LoRa/LoRaWAN, Mioty, NeoCortec, NFC, Sigfox, ULE, UWB, Wi-Fi, Wirepas, Zigbee, Z-Wave, etc.
▪ Standardization, Qualification, Certification and Compliance
▪ Regulatory Issues

▪ Wireless Automation, M2M
▪ Tactile Internet, VR/AR, URLLC, eMMB
▪ Automotive Wireless
▪ Wireless Internet of Things
▪ Health and Medical Wireless
▪ Wireless for Industrial Use
▪ Retrofit Integration of Wireless into Industrial Systems
▪ Smart Factory, Smart City, Smart Home and Metering
▪ Localization and Location Based Services Systems
▪ Campus networks
▪ (Ultra) Low-Power Wireless Networks
▪ Wireless Sensor Networks, mMTC
▪ Security Threats & Countermeasures in Wireless Systems
▪ Gateways and Middleware for Wireless Networks ▪ Integration of Wireless into Backend Systems
▪ Seamless Management of Wireless Networks

Other topics out of the wide field of “Wireless Technologies”

The program committee of the Wireless Congress invites all experts in this field to submit their proposals for presentations (30 min) and workshops or tutorials (1.5 – 3 h). Furthermore, we warmly invite representatives of academia to give insights into their future-driven and application- oriented research.

Presentations are to be held in English. Contributions shall cover fundamentals, recent trends, technologies, applications, standardization issues, certification and market forecasts. All contributions shall be purely technical and application-oriented.

Marketing papers will not be accepted. All submissions will be carefully reviewed and selected by the program committee.

The papers will be published in the “Proceedings of the Wireless Congress 2021: Systems & Applications”, including ISBN. It also will be possible to provide a short paper only (1 to 3 pages) to complement the presentation slides instead of a full paper.

Please make a note of the following deadlines:
▪ Deadline for Abstracts: June 14, 2021
▪ Notification of Acceptance: End of July, 2021

Please submit your proposal online under:

We are looking forward to your submission!

Related Resources

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