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AIoTCon 2021 : International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence of Things: Architectures and Applications (AIoTCon)


When May 24, 2021 - May 26, 2021
Where Valencia, Spain
Submission Deadline Apr 1, 2021
Notification Due Apr 20, 2021
Final Version Due May 10, 2021
Categories    IOT   AI   ML   data analytics

Call For Papers

Selected papers will be invited to submit extended manuscripts in a special issue in Springer Cluster Computing The Journal of Networks, Software Tools and Applications (Impact factor 3.6, 2020 ISI Q1).


The International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence of Things: Architectures and Applications (AIoTCon) would be an opportunity to discuss recent challenges/progress and shed light on open questions to lead the next decade of research trends on AI + IoT from the architecture and application perspective.

For a long time, centralized deployment models were utilized to facilitate such AI/ML operations. Yet, a novel paradigm known as the Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) comes into play. The possibility to improve the IoT capabilities that generate enormous data, using the AI/ML approaches, which consume these data for supporting intelligent management is extensive. By harnessing machine intelligence's empowered abilities, IoT applications and architectures yield advanced operations closer to the data source. This scenario relies on using different AI systems to support the IoT and Edge-to-Cloud activities.

However, the need to operate large-scale heterogeneous devices and sensors while being performance-efficient in real-time is challenging. Such challenges are related to providing edge intelligence, including training edge devices, unstable performance, uncertain security, and more challenges. These challenges behove extensive attention from academia and industry. The purpose of this workshop is to afford a venue covering all aspects of cutting-edge technologies at the crossing of AI and IoT to advance their joint applications.


Important Dates

Paper Submission Deadline: 10 April 2021

Notification of Acceptance: 30 April 2021

Camera Ready Submission: 10 May 2021


Call for Contributions:

Conceptual, constructive, empirical, experimental, and theoretical work in AIoT are cordially invited for the workshop. The workshop solicits posters, demos (up to 4 pages), and full papers (up to 10 pages) contributions that address the workshop's themes and topics. AIoTCon will emphasize PhD student's participation, postdoctoral fellows, and other researchers from all over the world.


Invited Speakers

- Academic: Blesson Varghese, Associate Professor at Queen's University Belfast, UK. Principal Investigator of the Edge Computing Hub, Rakuten Mobile, Japan

- Industry: To be announced.


Topics of interest:

We seek both conceptual and empirical papers offering new insights to the development of AI/ML for IoT architectures and applications, focusing on advanced AI/ML deployment for IoT computing, Edge/Fog Computing, Edge-to-Cloud deployment models, Big Data

management, 5G/6G networks, and Data Streaming. Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited, to the following:

- AI/ML for resource management at IoT and Edge/Fog architectures

- AI/ML for resource provisioning at IoT and Edge/Fog architectures

- AI/ML for Resource Allocation at IoT and Edge/Fog architectures

- AI/ML for workload characterization at IoT and Edge/Fog architectures

- AI/ML for application placement at IoT and Edge/Fog architectures

- Federated machine learning at IoT and Edge/Fog architectures

- Security, privacy, trust and provenance at IoT and Edge/Fog architectures

- Distributed Intelligence at the IoT and Edge/Fog

- Online ML at the IoT and Edge/Fog

- Distributed Ledger Technologies and Blockchain in IoT Environments

- AI/ML for Ultra-reliable low latency communication

- AI/ML for Mission-Critical IoT

- AI/ML purpose-built hardware at the edge

Submission guidelines:

Prospective authors are requested to submit new, unpublished manuscripts for inclusion in the upcoming event described in this call for papers. Paper submissions should follow the submission format and guidelines at:

Submission System:

Organizing Committee

Tomás F. Pena, Associated Professor. University of Santiago de Compostela, CiTIUS research center, Spain

Feras M. Awaysheh, Assistant Professor of Big Data Systems, Delta research center, University of Tartu, Estonia


Dr. Feras Awaysheh:

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