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Dostoevsky 2021 : Special Issue: Dostoevsky, Existential Philosophy, and Contemporary Thought


When Apr 4, 2021 - Sep 1, 2021
Where Vienna
Submission Deadline Apr 4, 2021
Final Version Due Sep 1, 2021
Categories    philosophy   literature   religious studies   axiology

Call For Papers

'Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics' is preparing a Special Issue on the occasion of the 200th Birthday of Fyodor Dostoevsky. As it is in some sense a continuation of the previous issues, dedicated on the intertwining of Philosophy, Art and Literature. From special interest are the following topics:

• The philosophical reception of Dostoevsky's ideas in Existential Philosophy and Personalism (Shestov, Berdyaev, Marcel, Sartre, Camus, Beauvoir a.o.)
• Dostoevsky and Psychoanalysis (Freud, Kristeva)
• Dostoevsky, Atheism and Religious Thought
• The Question of Sense and Non-Sense (of Life)
• Evil and the Dark Side of Human Nature
• The Identity Question: The Double
• Dostoevsky and Women
• Dostoevsky's Ethical and Political Thought in Contemporary Context

Other topics are also welcome.

Researchers working in the above fields are invited to submit a brief abstract with a short bio-bibliographical note (including real names, degree, position and main publications) until the 4 of April 2021. Authors who have already a finished unpublished paper are welcome to submit it within an abstract, a bio-bibliographical note; the paper should be formatted according the Guidelines. Papers in their final form should be submitted no later than 1 of August 2021.

Papers which are not in accordance with the journal policies and the Submission's Guidelines will not be accepted! For more information see:

As a multilingual Journal Labyrinth accepts papers in English, French, and German.

All abstracts/papers and bio-biographical notes should be sent to the Journal Editors: labyrinth[at]

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