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EfficienSafe 2021 2021 : Synergy between Safety and Efficiency


When Jun 1, 2021 - Jun 1, 2021
Where Avignon France & remotely
Submission Deadline May 3, 2021
Notification Due May 21, 2021
Final Version Due May 30, 2021
Categories    cognition   safety   efficiency   risk

Call For Papers

- The multidisciplinary SAFETYN conference "EfficienSafe 2021" aims to highlight solutions allowing a synergy between Safety and Efficiency in all fields and socio-technical systems: aeronautics, nuclear, transport, mobility, leisure, ...; the articles will present analyzes, models, solutions, methods ...
- The conference will take place over one day, face-to-face (Avignon airport) or remotely.
- Written contributions are expected in the form of original articles between 2 and 8 pages long, the assessment of which will give rise, after acceptance, to an oral or posted communication. Acts will be published.

Important dates

- May 3rd: extended deadline for receipt of articles.
- May 21st: response to the authors
- Tuesday June 1, 2021: Conference "EfficienSafe 2021" Avignon

Coordinator and Contact:
Dr. Laurent M. Chaudron, SAFETYN & Theorik-Lab, CREAE, Provence, 13116 France
Phone: +33 641 935 080


SAFETYN offers a set of technical and methodological means aimed at increasing the level of flight safety and their learning; It is in this context that "Safetyn Conferences" relating to the fields of safety and socio-technical didactics are organized.
This Call for Papers aims to bring together researchers and engineers allowing them to present their work relating to the synergy between the two concepts of Safety and Efficiency denoted by the neologism EfficienSafe.
Indeed, these two dimensions are often apprehended in contradictory ways, whether in terms of temporalities, costs or performance criteria. The aim of this conference is to help rationalize, objectify and enrich this issue. Indeed: a security action, penalizing in the short term, frequently generates useful and effective elements in a longer period, at least by the overall preservation of the actors and material means, but also by the improvement or even the creation of various functions. . Likewise, the search for efficiency - aerodynamics for example - can lead to the adoption of solutions - profiles, laws - which prove to be more reliable in their implementation.
This conference is thus expected to produce results, analyzes, models, methods, presentations of work in progress or in gestation allowing to illustrate and understand such synergies as well as to inventory their limitations.

Format and participation

The "EfficienSafe 2021" conference will be held over one day, allowing 10 presentations followed by questions; 5 articles will be presented every half day. Additional communications may be displayed (posters) depending on the quality of the articles submitted.
The proceedings will be edited and delivered electronically to the participants.
The conference will be held physically - in accordance with the health provisions in force - at Avignon airport in the Pégase building; speakers unable to attend will intervene by videoconference.


The submitted article will necessarily include two descriptions:
1) the area of ​​operation concerned;
2) the approach adopted to understand the notion of "EfficienSafe".
The relationship between the problem encountered and the solutions proposed will then be exposed.

For point 1): contributions are preferentially expected on complex socio-technical environments (see list below).
For point 2): the authors will take care to situate - even briefly - their contributions according to the four components:
- experimental: data, collection, treatment ...
- conceptual: terminology, definitions ...
- formal: mathematization, laws, properties ...
- algorithmic or software: method, program ...

Authors are invited to a certain creativity on their own work so as to bring out and then enrich the notion of EfficienSafe. Position papers are thus encouraged.

- The format of the article is as simple as possible (without numbering of sections or paragraphs, without complex formatting); final versions will follow the format guidelines that will be communicated to authors whose papers have been accepted.
- The font is of type times, 12 or equivalent.
- The bibliography will be alphabetical: [Cha00] Jean-François Chaos, Création du Monde, Gaïa-Ouranos edition, year 0000.
- The author responsible for the article is indicated.
- The length of the article is between 2 and 8 pages; the pages are numbered.

-) The article is expected in pdf format;
-) to send by email before the deadline to the two co-organizers:,

The articles will be evaluated by the scientific committee and the results communicated to the responsible author by email.


- aeronautics
- spatial
- transport
- medicine
- maintenance
- nuclear
- maritime domain
- extreme environment
- ...

- Sports and Exercise Science and Technology
- justice
- peace building
- training
- ...

Program committee

Dr Colette Faucher, Paris-Sorbonne University, France.
Pr Bernard Claverie, Bordeaux Polytechnical Institute, France
Dr Nicolas Maille, Onera Provence, France
Dr Olivier Bartheye, FASFA Research Center, France
Pr David Novick, UTEP, USA.
Dr Anne-Lise Marchand, FASFA Research Center, France
Dr Laurent Chaudron, Theorik-Lab, FASFA Research Center, SAFETYN, France
Dr David Guéron, Theorik-Lab, France

Related Resources

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IWSSS 2025   13th International Workshop on Systems Safety and Security
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