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EAPRIL 2021 : EAPRIL2021: European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning


When Nov 24, 2021 - Nov 26, 2021
Where Kufstein (Tirol) or online
Submission Deadline Apr 1, 2021
Categories    education

Call For Papers


The EAPRIL Conference taking place from November 23rd to 26th, 2021, in Kufstein (Tyrol), Austria, addresses the changing goals of our lifelong learners. Practitioner researchers are encouraged to have an in-depth dialogue regarding the opportunities provided through learning in the age of industry 4.0 and digitalisation in education.

Digitalisation and digital technologies emerging in education and learning are the phenomena in theory and practice in this era. Several promising examples have already emerged and on the one side are intensively discussed in research and on the other side are already integrated in practice. For instance, Virtual Reality (VR) glasses and systems have been successfully introduced in education, especially in training scenarios of adult education. Another example is Artificial Intelligence (AI), which has been applied in education and learning. Promising methods are currently under investigation in order to improve personalized learning approaches or invent intelligent tutoring systems. These mentioned examples have driven several research directions such as Technology Enhanced Learning, (TEL) which “refers to technology enhanced classrooms and learning with technology, rather than just through technology”[1]. However, in view of all these technology-driven learning approaches, the human factor should not be taken out of consideration. Approaches such as reciprocal teaching and similar efforts become significantly important.

Moreover, digitalisation not only affects and penetrates all types of education (primary, secondary, higher education, lifelong learning, etc.), it also provides opportunities for collaborative learning across school types and didactic concepts. Therefore, we would also like to highlight the important considerations of how and why modern technologies and methodologies in the age of industry 4.0 can cross/connect modern didactic concepts as well as types of education at the EAPRIL2021 conference.

Digitalisation and its disruptive technologies (drones, self-driving cars, robots, etc.) are going to change our society. New job profiles are going to emerge based on smart products and IoT related services, which demands changes in how and what we educate. We invite the EAPRIL2021 conference participants to exchange, rethink and reconsider their expertise and approaches to meeting challenges in education in the upcoming decades.

Tyrol and the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein Tirol warmly welcomes you to the beautiful city of Kufstein in the heart of the Alps!


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