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ICTE 2021 : International Conference on Technology and Entrepreneurship


When Aug 24, 2021 - Aug 27, 2021
Where Kaunas, Lithuania
Abstract Registration Due Mar 15, 2021
Submission Deadline May 31, 2021

Call For Papers

IEEE TEMS conference "Leading Digital Transformation in Business and Society"

The conference aims to bring together researchers and practitioners all over the world to share their unique knowledge and experience on leading digital transformation in business and society. The interactive and collaborative atmosphere during the Conference as well as the synergetic effect of interactions between academia and business will give significant input to the advancement of your research, international networks and business practice.

Track 7: Digital transformation in financial sector

The financial sector has been the object of many innovations in recent years. Starting with fintech 1.0, an era of infrastructure, globalisation, transatlantic cable Fedwire, and credit cards, following fintech 2.0 – period, marked the shift from analog to digital banking, first ATM, SWIFT, and digital stock exchange, we are facing fintech 3.0 transformation effect, triggered by the financial crisis of 2008, led by digital payments, crowdfunding, blockchain technology, and artificial intelligence solutions. The causal nexus that led to the digital transformation of the financial sector is disintermediation. New development trends are gaining momentum, accelerated by Covid-19, which is a crossroad between surviving a vortex and a universe of opportunities.

This era is marked by the emergence of new players, disrupting traditional financial players. While Fintech offers so many opportunities for reforming and democratizing finance, it also is affecting business and society in positive and negative ways: from disruptive innovation to greater financial inclusion; from destroying business models to inclusive and sustainable finance and markets; from eliminating to creating jobs; from transparency to ethical issues; from deregulation to regulatory issues.

Submissions for this track should focus on:
- Financial system impact of disruptive innovation;
- Greater financial inclusion; fintech regulatory issues;
- Fintech decisions for risk management, risk transfer, and risk diversification;
- Greening the financial system;
- Enhancing economic development;
- Ethical, cultural, and social implications of finance digitization;
- Covid-19: financial technologies supporting economic resilience.

Accepted and presented full papers (6 pages) will be considered for publishing at IEEE Xplore Proceedings (indexed in Scopus)

Selected papers will have the opportunity to be published in the special issue R&D Management. All papers will have to be expanded beyond the conference paper to the journal submission.

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