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CICom 2021 : EAI International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communications | |||||||||||||
Link: https://cicom-conference.eai-conferences.org/2021/ | |||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||
CiCOM 2021 will provide an opportunity to exchange innovative research on Computational Intelligence and Communications. Computational Intelligence makes use of biologically and linguistically motivated computational paradigms including neural networks, fuzzy logic systems, and evolutionary computation, as well as social reasoning, artificial life, ambient intelligence, deep learning, and the likes. New technologies in communications bring new application paradigms for healthcare, transportation, education, agriculture, and social networks. With the arrival of 5G and 6G networks technologies, we need to address new research challenges, including the tight integration of machine intelligence, efficient and reliable networking, interoperability, scalability and security.
Track topics include, but are not limited to: Track 1: Computational Intelligence in Automation, Control, and Intelligent Transportation System Intelligent Decision Making and Support Adaptive and Optimal Control Model-Predictive Control Fuzzy Systems and Control Fuzzy Neural Systems and Control Hybrid Intelligent Control Object recognitions, traffic sign detection and recognition Multimodal intelligent transport systems & services Vehicle communications and connectivity Driver and traveller support systems Simulation and forecasting models Driver assistance and automation systems Driver state detection and monitoring Track 2: Computational Intelligence on Big Data, Internet of Things, and Smart Cities Efficient algorithms on processing and analysis of big data Extracting and understanding from distributed, diverse and large-scale data resources Visualisation of big data and visual data analytics Human-computer interaction and collaboration in big data Classification, Clustering, Regression Data mining from nonstationary and drifting environments Novel Architecture and Protocols of AI Integrated with IoT Security, Privacy, Access Control, & Trust Frameworks of IoT Resource Management Techniques of Using AI for IoT Control Schemes in IoT Smart Data Storage in IoT Track 3: Computational Intelligence on Wireless Communication Systems and Cyber Security Machine Learning for Networks Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Wireless Sensor Networks Network Virtualization Software Defined Networks | Blockchain and its security Waveforms and Radio Access Technologies Software Defined Radio Visible Light Communication (VLC) Radio Access Networks Intrusion/malware detection, prediction, and classification Sensor network security, web security, wireless and 4G, 5G media security Self-awareness, auto-defensiveness, self-reconfiguration, and self-healing networking paradigm Modelling adversarial behaviour for threat detection Cloud and virtualization security Track 4: Computational Intelligence on Human/Brain-omputer Interfaces & Image and Pattern Recognition Signal processing for Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) BCI Feature Extraction, Pattern Recognition, and Multiple modalities for BCI Invasive and non-invasive BCIs. Online and offline BCI applications Advances on Human-Computer Interfaces Feature ranking and weighting Feature selection, extraction, construction, and reduction Feature analysis on high-dimensional and large-scale data Evolutionary computation for feature analysis Information theory, statistics, mathematical modelling, etc., for feature analysis Feature analysis in classification, clustering, regression, image analysis, and other tasks Real-world applications of computational intelligence for feature analysis =========== General Co-Chairs =========== Amar Ramdane-Cherif, University of Versailles – Paris Saclay, France Manolo Dulva Hina, ECE Paris School of Engineering, France Rafik Zitouni, ECE Paris School of Engineering, France ===========TPC Co-Chairs =========== Manolo Dulva Hina, ECE Paris School of Engineering, France Jaouhar Fattahi, Université Laval, Canada Amreesh Phokeer, AFRINIC, University of Cape Town, South Africa Yassine Meraihi, University of Boumerdes, Algeria Ravi Tomar, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, India ===========Publicity and Social Media Chairs=========== Naila Bouchemal, ECE Paris School of Engineering, France Nadir Bouchama, CERIST Research Institute, Algiers, Algeria |