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IWCS 2021 : 14th International Conference on Computational Semantics


When Jun 14, 2021 - Jun 1, 2021
Where Groningen, The Netherlands
Submission Deadline Mar 12, 2021
Notification Due Apr 16, 2021
Final Version Due May 7, 2021
Categories    NLP

Call For Papers

14th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS)
University of Groningen, The Netherlands
14-18th June 2021

IWCS is the biennial meeting of SIGSEM [1], the ACL special interest group
on semantics [2]; this year's edition is organized by the Computational
Linguistics department of the University of Groningen [3] and will be a
fully online conference.


The aim of the IWCS conference is to bring together researchers interested
in any aspects of the computation, annotation, extraction, representation
and neuralisation of meaning in natural language, whether this is from a
lexical or structural semantic perspective. IWCS embraces both symbolic and
machine learning approaches to computational semantics, and everything in
between. The conference and workshops will take place between 14-18 June
2021, though likely not on all five days.

We invite paper submissions in all areas of computational semantics, in
other words all computational aspects of meaning of natural language within
written, spoken, signed, or multi-modal communication. Submissions are
invited on these closely related areas:
* design of meaning representations
* syntax-semantics interface
* representing and resolving semantic ambiguity
* shallow and deep semantic processing and reasoning
* hybrid symbolic and statistical approaches to semantics
* distributional semantics
* alternative approaches to compositional semantics
* inference methods for computational semantics
* recognising textual entailment
* learning by reading
* methodologies and practices for semantic annotation
* machine learning of semantic structures
* probabilistic computational semantics
* neural semantic parsing
* computational aspects of lexical semantics
* semantics and ontologies
* semantic web and natural language processing
* semantic aspects of language generation
* generating from meaning representations
* semantic relations in discourse and dialogue
* semantics and pragmatics of dialogue acts
* multimodal and grounded approaches to computing meaning
* semantics-pragmatics interface
* applications of computational semantics

Submission information
Two types of submission are solicited: long papers and short papers. Both
types should be submitted not later than 12 March.

Long papers should describe original research and must not exceed 8 pages
(not counting acknowledgements and references). Short papers (typically
system or project descriptions, or ongoing research) must not exceed 4 pages
(not counting acknowledgements and references). Both types will be published
in the conference proceedings and in the ACL Anthology. Accepted papers get
an extra page in the camera-ready version.

IWCS papers should be formatted following the common two-column structure as
used by ACL. The specific IWCS Latex style-files are available on the

Papers should be submitted in PDF format via the Softconf system, via Please make sure that you select the
right track when submitting your paper, and please contact the organisers if
you have problems using Softconf.

Important dates
12 March 2021 Paper submissions due
16 April 2021 Decisions sent to authors
7 May 2021 Camera-ready due
14-18 June 2021 IWCS conference

Johan Bos, Rik van Noord, Sina Zarrieß, Lasha Abzianidze
(the IWCS 2021 organizers,

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