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V MHGC Conference 2021 : V International Conference Mental Health: global challenges of XXI century | |||||||||||||||
Link: https://mhgc21.org | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
“Mental Health: Global challenges of XXI century” October 21-23 2021 Mental Health Care (MHC) in the contemporary world has become a global problem with a number of negative consequences. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mental and behavioural disorders are extremely common and affect up to 25% of all people in different periods of their lives. The WHO notes that in the future, given the ageing population and worsening social problems, the number of MHC cases will increase considerably. Simultaneously, each country in the world faces significant hindrances in both socio-psychological and economic aspects of the MHC system. No country has yet been able to completely solve this problem. This creates an urgent need in joint efforts towards searching for solutions of common problems. Main objectives: • to attract researchers’ and policy-makers’ attention to MHC urgent problems • to provide a platform for the exchange of ideas and development of (non)-academic MHC researchers, practitioners and policy-makers networks • to promote high quality research on MH in developing and in-transition countries • to investigate transdisciplinary and multicultural solutions of MHC specific issues Topics: • MHC systems in the context of global social challenges • Management, organisation and treatment of Mental Health Issues support • Specific issues of MHC: child neuro-psychiatry; support for disabled and elderly people; MHC in rural areas; addictive behaviour • Inter- and trans-disciplinary approach to Global Mental Health issues Fields covered: Health, Medicine, Social Science, Psychology, Education, Economic, Law, Counseling, Inter- and Multi-disciplinary studies Content (program): We aim to focus on building and improving professional skills of specialists in Mental Health Care: • Sharing of good practices in the field of Mental Health Care • Seminar, workshops • oral and e-poster presentations of research studies We accept: • case-studies • applied-research papers • theoretical research papers Attending Types: * Regular Presenter, * Virtual Presenter * Poster Presentation * Publication only * Non-presenting participant Dissemination and Publications: We aim to promote wide geographical diversification of conference results dissemination • MHGC Proceedings (Publons, Crossref, Google Scholar) with unique DOI for each publication: • ITALY Academic Journal “Mental Health: global challenges”, NLM ID: 101762518; E-ISSN 2612-2138; DOAJI, Publons, Crossref, ERIHPlus, BASE, … Fields covered: Health, Medicine, Social Science, Psychology, Education, Economic, Law, Inter- and Multi-disciplinary studies http://www.mhgcj.org/index.php/MHGCJ The MHGC Journal is also available in National Library of Australia • POLAND Academic Journal “Wiadomosci Lekarskie” (journal of the Polish Medical Association, published since 1928), NLM ID: 9705467; ISSN – 0043-5147; PUBMED/MEDLINE, SCOPUS https://wiadlek.pl/for-authors/ only selected paper may be published (if meeting quality criteria and fitting the journal scope) Style Guideline: Extended Abstract (1000-3000 words) should include the following: • Title • Authors full names • Information about authors: Institute affiliation, e-mail address • Main text (Introduction; Purpose; Design/Methodology/Approach; Results; Limitations and strengths of the study; Practical/Social value; Originality/Conclusions) • Key words The author\s should to send: 1. Title page with author\s information https://mhgcj.org/index.php/MHGCJ/about/submissions#authorGuidelines 2. Paper without author\s information https://mhgcj.org/index.php/MHGCJ/about/submissions#authorGuidelines Acceptance/Rejection (for publication) All research papers will be evaluated by international recognized scholars (from Universities of Belgium, Canada, Greece, Netherlands, Portugal) in a double blind reviewing process and research papers will be selected according to the international research standard. 1. Participants are welcome to submit extended abstract for peer-review 2. We will send you an email notification of acceptance or rejection within one-two week after your submission 3. Only if your abstract is accepted, you can pay a conference fee (we will send you banking details to make your payment) 4. We are ready to evaluate your full paper The conference registration fee includes: • Admission to the conference • Тime slot to present one paper at the conference • Possible publication in one of international journals (MHGC Journal or “Wiadomosci Lekarskie”) and\or MHGC Proceeding-2021 • A copy of the conference program • A certificate of presentation • Admission to all receptions, coffee breaks, etc Types of conference fee: Conference fee: Early bird payment: 80 EUR (deadline: 01.06.2021) Regular payment: 100 EUR Students: 65 EUR N.B. If you would like to publish your paper in the Journal “Wiadomosci Lekarskie” (Pubmed, Scopus) – you should to pay publication fee 250 EUR in addition to conference fee (Only if your paper is accepted, you can pay a publication fee (we will send you banking details to make your payment)) financial aid: we can provide a discount for those participants who needs a financial aid. Please write us an email with your motivation to participate in the conference and explanation why you can be granted a financial aid Registration and Submission details: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScRXbGT1k4eV7cTWx3vfOaWCJ-HDf6U9JYeCbZtwwvqs9r8Ig/viewform Early bird registration - June 01 2021 Abstract submission: September 15 2021 Full paper submission (after revision): October 15 2021 Please send your abstract and paper to: intconfmhgc21c@gmail.com or viktor.vus@mhgc21.org Conference Venue Conference Venue: Agrigiento, Sicily, Italy Date: October 21-23 2021 Official information The information about the conference is available on official website of the Conference: https://www.mhgc21.org |