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ECMR 2021 : 10th European Conference on Mobile Robots (online event)


Conference Series : European Conference on Mobile Robots
When Aug 31, 2021 - Sep 3, 2021
Where Bonn, Germany
Submission Deadline May 15, 2021
Notification Due Jul 15, 2021
Final Version Due Aug 15, 2021
Categories    robotics   artificial intelligence   computer vision   mechanical engineering

Call For Papers

10th European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR)
Online event hosted by University of Bonn, Germany
August 31st - September 3rd 2021

Paper submission deadline: May 15th 2021
Workshop and tutorial submission deadline: May 18th 2021

Due to the ongoing Corona pandemic, ECMR 2021 will be hold as a virtual meeting.
Registration will be free of charge.

We cordially invite you to submit your work to the 10th European Conference
on Mobile Robots (ECMR 2021), which will bring together researchers working
on all aspects of mobile robotics including scientific foundations,
applications, and analysis of mobile robotic systems.
ECMR welcomes original research papers describing fundamental developments in
the field of mobile robotics, with special emphasis on autonomous systems.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Mobile robot design: Wheeled and Legged Systems, Aerial Robots,
Unconventional Locomotion mechanisms, Reconfigurable Robots, Soft Robots,
Biomimetic Robotics, Actuators, Sensors, Design Methods
* Perception: Environment Perception, Mapping, Localization, SLAM, Scene
Understanding, Semantic Segmentation, Object Detection/Tracking/Pose
Estimation, 3D Modeling, Predictive Modeling, Active and Interactive
Perception, Proprioception, State Estimation, Calibration
* Planning and Control: Exploration, Navigation Planning, Locomotion Planning,
Planning under Uncertainty, Model-based Control, Obstacle Avoidance, Robust
Control, Safe Control
* Learning: Learning for Perception, Learning for Planning, Reinforcement
Learning, Inverse RL, Deep Learning, Imitation Learning, Learning from
Demonstration, Sim2Real and Real2Sim Learning, Learning-based Control, System
Identification, Adaptive Control
* Distributed Systems: Multi-Robot Systems, Networked Robots, Swarms,
Coordination, Task and Resource Allocation
* Mobile Manipulation: Mobile Manipulation Platforms, Perception for
Mobile Manipulation, Loco-Manipulation, Whole-Body Motion Planning and
Control, Multi-Contact Planning and Control, Aerial, Underwater, and Space
* Human-robot Interaction: User Interfaces, Shared Autonomy, Human-Robot
Dialogue, Human-Robot Teaming, Human-Robot Collaboration, Physical HRI,
Safe Interaction
* Applications: Service Robots (e.g. Logistics, Health Care, Industrial,
Inspection, Monitoring, Professional Services, Personal Robots, Social
Robots), Field Robots (e.g. Agricultural and Mining, Construction, Aerial,
Underwater, Space)

Selected papers will be invited for submission to a special issue of the
Robotics and Autonomous Systems journal.

Paper Format:

All accepted papers, orals and posters, will be included in IEEE Xplore.
Submissions must be formatted in A4, two-column IEEE style. Papers can have
six pages, including references. Up to two extra pages are allowed.

Workshops and Tutorials:

Workshops and tutorials will be held on August 31st, the day before the main
conference. Workshops provide an informal forum for participants to discuss
emerging and active research areas in topics related to mobile robotics.
Tutorials should be designed for students and researchers wishing to learn
new tools, hardware, and practices in the area of mobile robotics.
Both, workshops and tutorials can be held half-day or full-day.

Important Dates (updated):

* Paper submission deadline: May 15th 2021

* Workshop and tutorial submission deadline: May 18th 2021

* Workshop and tutorials notification of acceptance: May 31st 2021

* Paper notification of acceptance: July 15th 2021

* Submission of final papers and early registration: August 15th 2021

* Workshops and tutorials: August 31st 2021

* Main conference: September 1st-3rd 2021

General Chair: Sven Behnke, University of Bonn, Germany

Program Chair: Emanuele Menegatti, University of Padua, Italy

Related Resources

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ICSNC 2025   The Twentieth International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications
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