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37th IBIMA Conference 2021 : COVID-19 Discounted Fees - Deadline: 25 March 2021


When Apr 1, 2021 - Apr 2, 2021
Where Cordoba, Spain
Submission Deadline Mar 25, 2021
Categories    business   economics   information systems   education

Call For Papers

Dear Colleagues,

In IBIMA efforts to encourage sharing and publishing of excellent academic research and at the same time understand the financial pressure put on universities worldwide due to the COVID-19 pandemic, IBIMA is announcing an extra discount fees for virtual presentation in its 37th IBIMA conference.

So, If you have travel or budget restrictions due to COVID-19, you can still publish your paper at 37th IBIMA conference with great discounted fee. IBIMA has pioneered “virtual presentation” program in 2003 for situations exactly like this one.

For more details:

The extra discounted fee is for the 2nd paper in the 37th IBIMA conference by same registered author in addition to the normal discount of virtual presentation. COVID-19 discounted registration fee

- Virtual Presentation paper submission deadline: 5 March 2021
- Virtual Presentation paper Submission deadline for 2nd paper: 25 March 2021 (if you need extra time to prepare a 2nd paper).

FINALLY, If you prefer to have your papers published in 2021 in a top indexed conference, this is a great opportunity that might not be repeated.

IBIMA conferences' proceedings are indexed by:

1- Scopus (since 2005),
2- Web of Science (WoS) (since 2006),
3- Engineering Village,
4- and Ranked by the prestigious Australian Research Council (ARC) (on ERA since 2010).
5- SJR

We wish you a safe and healthy 2021

Managing Editor

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