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INTERSTUDIA 2021 : INTERSTRUDIA Review of Interstud Interdisciplinary Centre for Studies of Contemporary Discursive Forms)


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Abstract Registration Due Sep 15, 2021
Submission Deadline Nov 1, 2021
Notification Due Oct 15, 2021
Final Version Due Nov 1, 2021
Categories    literature   language   media   discourse

Call For Papers


Interstudia, no. 29

The Discourse of Hope

Motto: Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all. (Emily Dickinson, " 'Hope' is the Thing with Feathers")

Perhaps never before in the post-war period have people all over the world revolved, almost simultaneously, around the concept of hope as in the year 2020. The new Coronavirus pandemic, with millions of people infected or dead and billions in lockdown, brought about not only isolation, but also fear, dread, anxiety and despair. Undoubtedly, COVID-19 is one of the biggest threats humanity has ever faced, but its world-wide spread also gave rise to a spirit of global togetherness animated by hope. All over the world, especially during the first lockdowns, people would display encouraging messages in windows, would gather in their balconies to sing together, would cheer for healthcare workers, all in a common effort to lift the spirits.
The context of the all-pervading COVID-19 pandemic brought forth this concept of hope, understood as “an optimistic state of mind that is based on an expectation of positive outcomes with respect to events and circumstances in one's life or the world at large” ( In other words, to have hope implies to want an outcome that makes one’s life better in some way. No matter how much people think about it, hope is an inherent part of every human being, as everyone has, at some point, a desire for things to change for the better.
Addressing one of the most important characteristics of human experiences, namely the anxiety brought about by the uncertainty regarding the future, the theme of hope is central to different fields of study, such as psychology, literature or religion.
In psychology, one important theory on hope was developed by Charles R. Snyder (2002), who envisages hope as a cognitive skill that proves people’s ability to keep their motivation in the pursuit of a certain goal. Speaking about an individual's ability to be hopeful, Snyder also states that it depends on two types of thinking, which he calls agency thinking and pathway thinking. The former refers to individuals’ determination to achieve their goals despite possible obstacles, while the latter refers to the manners in which individuals believe they can achieve these personal goals.
In literature, many characters pursue, through the development of the plot of events, something they want; in this way, the characters’ hope of attaining a goal or confronting impossible odds becomes a central element in many novels or plays. Hope is also a key element in Greek mythology, in the story of Pandora’s box, being the only one left in the box after all the world’s evils were released in the world. Its keeping in the box is symbolic – it is the only one capable of helping people cope with all the other evils.
In religion, the emphasis is on varied issues that people hope for, from Messiah’s coming to forgiveness of all sins or eternal life. In the spiritual context, hope means the belief that good things would happen if there exists faith in a higher power.
The language of hope is also present in political discourse. During election campaigns, politicians invoke hope in their speeches in order to convince people and gain votes, while activists voice their shared hopes for a common cause against injustice or oppression.

We invite specialists in such fields as linguistics, discursive analysis, literature, communication studies, semiotics, political studies, cultural studies, sociology, philosophy, epistemology, logic, journalism, digital humanities, etc. to contribute papers addressing problems related to the issues presented above. The following topics are suggested, but by no means should they be considered exhaustive:
- Hope during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Political discourse of hope
- Hope in literature
- Linguistic means of expressing hope
- Symbols of hope
- Hopeful vs hopeless
- False hope vs real hope
- Self-oriented hope vs other-oriented hope
- Doing and making as acts of hope

Contact person: PhD Lecturer Raluca GALIȚA

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Registration form

1. Author information

 Name and surname
 Academic title
 Affiliation/Institution
 Personal research areas
 Representative scientific publications (3)
 Phone number
 Regular/ mail address

2. Submission of paper

 Title of paper
 Key-words (5)
 Thematic area


Submission of paper September 15, 2021

Notification from the scientific committee October 15, 2021

Submission of the final version of the paper November 1, 2021

(Estimated)Paper publication November 30, 2021

Useful information

Interstudia (Review of Interstud Interdisciplinary Centre for Studies of Contemporary Discursive Forms) is an academic journal indexed in the EBSCO, CEEOL, INDEX COPERNICUS, FABULA, SCIPIO, KVK international databases

Instructions for Authors are available at

Submitted papers will follow the standard procedure of blind peer review ensured by the international scientific committee of the journal

For further information, please visit

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