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Invitation 2021 : Invited position.


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    history   DEMOCRACY   museum   berlin

Call For Papers

Jason Brennan
Georgetown University
37th and O Streets, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20057

Dear Dr. Brennan !

I invite you to take a position of a director of the new founded Museum of the history of democracy in Berlin, as decided on 27.11.2019 in consequence of transition from democratic political system to constitutional order. {1}

The main place of your work will be a building known as the Reichstagsgebäude, where you assisted by the staff will collect relevant historical documents, organize research, symposia, and public exhibitions, lectures, and other forms of purposive presentations and events.

Due to your evident competence in mentioned field of knowledge, I omit further details concerning offered position and let you decide about acceptance of my invitation. Please don‘t hesitate to contact me, should it be required for your decision.

Dr. Andrej Poleev


1. Maßnahmen in Strafverfahren nach Verbot und Auflösung politischer Parteien.


Jason Brennan
Thanks, can you send this to my email at Can you also tell me a little bit more about what this is asking? Is a new museum being created in Berlin? What would the duties require? Does this require living in Berlin or are you looking for someone remote? Etc.

Dear Dr. Brennan !

Thank you for your reply following my letter of 8.02.2021. As emphasized before, you have to decide how and where you work and live, the main thing is the establishment of the Museum and directing the staff in order to perform research, exhibitions, lectures etc. Surely, your personal presence in Berlin is required but not permanently. If you are willing to travel from time to time, it will be enough, I would say.

Secondly, it must be YOUR decision to take invited position. There are not much peoples suited for such challenge, so I selected you for several reasons. Democratic political system is the past, and a Museum is an adequate form for it, not burial but a place of remembering and admonition.

The proposition for such Museum originates from 2007; this fact is documented in my book Essays and Letters {1}. My own research led me to conclusion that democracy is a pathologic psychic condition. This thought is explained and substantiated in several books, papers, and definitions, written mostly in German and Russian {2 – 5}. In consequence of my finding I wrote a constitution {6} and started my project aimed at the establishment of constitutional order that should replace democracy permanently and irrevocably {7}.

After that I proclaimed the democratic political system for abrogated and since that act as founding director at the Fund for Constitutional Development {8}, as insolvency trustee and guardian {9 – 10}, and as director of Charité {11}. Please pay attention also to my decision on reestablishment of the Nuremberg Tribunal {12} and to my recent letter addressed to Joseph Biden and members of his administration. {13} You may also read my blog at .

I wish to aspire you to accept my invitation and to become first director of the Museum of the history of democracy in Berlin. Your wages will be respectively high.

Dr. Andrej Poleev


1. Devolution: Politik ohne Macht. Projekt zur Errichtung des Dokumentationszentrums „Demokratie“ und der Gedenkstätte für die Opfer demokratischer Herr- und Frauenschaft. In: Essays and Letters.

2. Metaanalysis of psychoanalysis.

3. German disease.

4. Scotocracy – Σκότοκρατία.

5. Брак.

6. The constitution of the community Rus’ (html) (pdf A5 format) (softcover paperbook) (epub)

7. Fund for Constitutional Development.

8. Указ о территориальном правоприменении Конституции общности Русь.

9. Auflösung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Anordnung einer rechtlichen Betreuung.

10. Beschluß im Strafverfahren gegen Schweiz.

11. Charité, mon amour.

12. Reestablishment of the Nuremberg Tribunal.

13. Reminder letter.


Jason Brennan
Got it. Thanks for thinking of me. But upon reading the further particulars this does not appear to be a task for which I am well suited. All the best,

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