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EmpathicCHI 2021 : CHI2021 Workshop - Empathic Interactions in Automated Vehicles


When May 7, 2021 - May 7, 2021
Where Online
Submission Deadline Apr 13, 2021
Categories    affective computing   HCI   chatbot   autonomous vehicle

Call For Papers

Call for Participation:
We believe in the importance of emotional conversational agents in the automotive context to build a solid relationship between the driver and the vehicle. In this workshop, we aim at gathering researchers and industry practitioners from different fields of HCI, ML/AI, NLU to brainstorm about affective machine, empathy and conversational agent with a special focus on human-vehicle interaction.

Topics included:
Affective Computing • Empathic Interactions • Multimodal Interactions • Driver-Vehicle Interactions • Conversational Agents • Virtual Coaches • HCI

Discussions will be focused on:
* Identification of important information that might (or should) be provided to drivers
* Identification of affective conversational agents specifications in automotive context
* Explore and design with participants empathic conversational agents in order to convey information defined above

* Introductory session
* Flash presentations I
* Context presentation: automated cars, empathy in interactions, multimodality and conversational agents
* === break ===
* Presentation of the driving scenarios
* Brainstorming session
* Flash presentations II
* === break ===
* Creativity session
* Presentations and discussions
* Closing session

To register to the workshop, it's done directly on the CHI registration. The access code to register for our workshop is "AccessW16" (at one point in the registration process, this code will be asked to you).
Link to registration:
There is no call for paper: anyone can attend the workshop without submitting any extended abstract whatsoever.

Important dates:
* Deadline for early-bird registration: March 16, 2021
* Deadline for regular registration: April 13, 2021
* Workshop date: Friday, May 7th, 2021, 15:00 CEST

Important links:
* Workshop website:
* CHI2021/workshops registration website:
* CHI2021 website:
* Contact email:

Organisation team:
* HES-SO University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Fribourg, Switzerland (Karl Daher, Mira El Kamali, Marine Capallera, Quentin Meteier, Karl Daher, Jacky Casas)
* Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), Netherlands (Abdallah El Ali)
* CNRS-SAMOVAR, France (Gérard Chollet)
* University of Messina, Italy (Chiara Lucifora, Giorgio Mario Grasso)

Related Resources

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