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CP 2021 : Twenty-Seventh Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming - Virtual Conference


When Oct 25, 2021 - Oct 29, 2021
Where Montpellier (France)
Abstract Registration Due May 21, 2021
Submission Deadline May 30, 2021
Notification Due Jul 5, 2021
Final Version Due Jul 26, 2021
Categories    application   cp and machine learning   cp and operations research   testing and verification

Call For Papers

Call For Papers (Deadline Extension!)

The submission deadlines are pushed back by two days. The new deadlines are AoE (anywhere on earth) and shown below:

May 21, 2021 - Abstracts (Intention to submit)
May 30, 2021 - Paper submission deadline
June 30-July 02 - Author response period
July 12, 2021 - Notifications
July 26, 2021 - Camera-ready
October 25, 2021 - Conference kickoff

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 27th Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming will be transformed into a fully virtual event, the CFP and dates remain unchanged as follows.

The Twenty-Seventh Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming CP 2021 will take place in Montpellier, France from October 25 to 29, 2021. Montpellier is in the south of France, only 11km away from the Mediterranean and easily accessible by plane and rail. See details in the local information page (

The CP conference series concerns all aspects of computing with constraints, including: theory, algorithms, environments, languages, models, systems, and applications. It welcomes submissions that advance the state of the art for the underlying technologies as well as papers that explore the role of constraint programming within other disciplines such as, for instance: operation research, machine learning and verification.

The CP 2021 programme will include presentations of high-quality scientific papers and tutorials on both theory and applications. Invited talks will describe important topics relevant to the field. The CP programme also welcomes workshops for discussing in-progress work and provides support to students through its doctoral program, which includes a dedicated one day doctoral conference, mentorship by experienced researchers and more.

- Tracks

The conference features a main /Technical Track/, and /Thematic/ tracks:

CP and Machine Learning
CP and Operations Research
Testing and Verification

Papers are submitted directly to one of the five tracks. Submissions that reach beyond classic constraint programming concepts are encouraged and welcomed alongside papers on constraint solving, NP-hard problem solving and optimization in general. Any underlying computational technique operating on a declarative constraint model are also welcome. Papers in specialized tracks will be reviewed by experts in that area.

- Important dates

All deadlines are AoE. Dates are intended as anywhere on Earth.

May 14, 2021 Abstract Submission
May 21,2021 Full Paper submission
June 21, 2021 Author response due
July 5, 2021 Final Notification
July 19, 2021 Camera-ready

- Submissions Instructions

Paper submission is via EasyChair (CP 2021 - Each submission should be directed to the suitable track.

- Length and format

*Noteworthy*: CP21 is switching from Springer to LIPIcs( for its proceedings. It is therefore crucial for authors to follows the guidelines provided below and not start from an old style file that is appropriate for Springer only.. In order to open the conference more widely (e.g., for OR persons), two types of submissions are expected this year:

The submissions should be submitted in the form of a PDF file following LIPIcs guidelines. The site linked above has examples and the necessary style files. Please read the directions ( attentively as specific LaTeX packages are prohibited or restricted.

To open the conference more widely (e.g., for OR persons), two types of submissions are expected this year:

- full papers: they can use up to 15 pages (references not included) but shorter submissions are also welcome. Submissions exceeding the page limits or improperly formatted will be rejected without review.
- short papers: they can use a maximum of 8 pages (reference excluded) and cover early results or results that can be adequately reported in just 8 pages. Short papers must nonetheless meet all the expected quality criteria of a full paper.

All papers should attract a wide audience and will be allocated time for presentation during the conference.

- Anonymous Submission

To facilitate reviewing management, authors who intend to submit a paper to CP should submit a very short description of the contents and contribution of the final submission, with a maximum of 150 words, by May 14th, 2021.

The paper submission must be done before May 21th, 2021. All papers will go through a double blind reviewing process, meaning that authors and reviewers are anonymous to each other. For this reason, submitted full papers should not contain author names, affiliations, or links to identifying web sites. References should be cited in such a way as not to reveal the authorship of the paper.

- Multiple Submission

A given paper must be submitted to exactly one track. When it looks necessary, the Program Chair may move a submission to another, more suitable track.

At the final submission deadline, any paper submission that appeared in, is accepted for, or is under review for another peer-reviewed conference or journal must be promptly withdrawn from CP.

Submissions that have appeared at workshops or other meetings of lower status than a conference or only in highly shortened form (e.g., abstracts) can be submitted as papers.

- Proceedings

Accepted papers (in all tracks) will appear in conference proceedings published by LIPIcs. The proceedings will be available at the time of the conference.

Authors of outstanding accepted papers will be offered two publication options: (a) publication in the conference proceedings; (b) publication of an abstract in the conference proceedings, an online version of the paper submitted to the conference and an invitation to submit an extended paper after the conference and to be fast-tracked with the journal. Note that Constraint is still a Springer journal with its own formatting guidelines.

Other Informations

Questions about the paper submission process may be addressed to the Program Chair Laurent Michel(

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