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ActivEye 2021 : Challenges in large scale eye tracking for active participants


When May 25, 2021 - May 27, 2021
Where Virtual
Submission Deadline Mar 12, 2021
Notification Due Mar 22, 2021
Final Version Due Mar 30, 2021
Categories    outdoor gaze tracking   head pose tracking   large scale egocentric video   gaze data annotation

Call For Papers

ActivEye Workshop 2021
Challenges in large scale eye tracking for active participants
Dear all,

We invite you to submit your work to the ActivEye Workshop 2021. As part of this year’s ACM ETRA 2021 conference (Eye Tracking Research and Application), we’re inviting two-page submissions in one of the areas below in order to bring together the vision, engineering, human factors, and computer science communities to share our solutions that address the following challenges in eye tracking:
Robust Gaze tracking in a challenging environment:
Topics include algorithms for 2D and 3D gaze tracking of active participants outside of the lab, slippage detection and correction, run-time and post-hoc re-calibration, and validation techniques.
Head pose tracking:
We invite studies that take into account the synergy between the eye and head movements, especially encourage contributions to onboard head pose tracking systems, post-hoc head tracking techniques, and head + eye movement classification algorithms in order to better understand the underlying oculomotor mechanisms.
World Camera Characteristics:
Typically, portable eye-tracking devices have a limited field of view, poor optics, and low-quality world video. We encourage studies that address issues of image quality, dynamic range, wide FOV gaze tracking, color consistency, frame rate, spatial resolution, quality vs. size compromise, and modern depth-sensing techniques.
Extending use cases to special populations:
The day-to-day challenges of mobile eye-tracking are often exacerbated under certain experimental conditions and with specific participant populations. The latter can include children and older adults, who might have additional ergonomic and physiological constraints; or patient populations (e.g., those with strabismus or visual field damage).
Gaze Tracking Data Annotation:
Considering the growing demands for state-of-the-art deep learning techniques, a key feature of a usable dataset is that it is accurately and reliably annotated. We welcome submissions that include efforts for annotating different aspects of such datasets efficiently, including but not limited to different types of eye + head movements, external events, different eye regions for real or synthetic images and scene objects.
Best Practices and DIY:
We encourage submissions on best practices that researchers take into account when running large-scale data collection, such as comparisons of different calibration routines, efforts to enhance participant comfort, experimental procedures, UI design for system error tolerance, error handling, and notifications.
Devices Ergonomy:
Participant discomfort with most head-mounted trackers is a key obstacle in the collection of large-scale and outdoor data, particularly for extended time periods. We welcome submissions where researchers in academia and industry share their experience and potential solutions.

Workshop website:
ETRA 2021 website:
Workshop email address:

NVIDIA Research generously sponsors an RTX 3080 GPU for the best paper award!

Dr. Shalini De Mello (NVIDIA Research)
Dr. Kai Dierkes (Pupil Labs)

Submission format:
We are seeking maximum 4-page single column submissions aligned with the ACM-ETRA format. All accepted submissions will be indexed by ACM proceedings. We have also confirmed with the journal of Behavioral Research Method for considering the top submissions as a special issue and Dr. Marcus Nystrom as the guest editor. After the workshop, the top selected submissions will have until August 1st, 2021 to submit their extended work for an online publication in December 2021 (tentative dates). Please find more details on the workshop website. (

Workshop Dates:
Submission Deadline: March 12, 2021 (Check the workshop website for more information)
Workshop: May 25-27th, 2021 (a one-day virtual workshop, exact date to be confirmed)

Workshop Organizers:
Kamran Binaee (University of Nevada, Reno) (
Natela Shanidze (The Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute) (
Agostino Gibaldi (University of California, Berkeley) (
Caroline Robertson (Dartmouth College) (

Advisory Board:
Paul Macneilage (University of Nevada, Reno) (
Mark Lescroart (University of Nevada, Reno) (

Graduate Students:
Rakshit Kothari (
Aayush Chaudhary(

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