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IC2E 2021 : IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering | |||||||||||||||
Link: https://conferences.computer.org/IC2E/2021/ | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
The IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E) is a premier conference on cloud computing, which represents a paradigm shift for the use and delivery of information technology (IT) and has been revolutionizing the support of on-demand access, economies of scale, and dynamic sourcing options. IC2E provides a high-quality and comprehensive forum where researchers and practitioners can exchange information on engineering principles, enabling technologies, and practical experiences related to Cloud Computing. The conference brings together experts who work on different levels of the cloud stack – systems, storage, networking, platforms, databases, and applications. IC2E offers an end-to-end view of the challenges and technologies in Cloud Computing, fosters research that addresses the interaction between different layers of the stack, and ultimately helps shape the future of cloud-transformed business and society. IC2E 2021 invites submissions of high-quality research papers describing fully-developed results and ongoing foundational and applied work related to all aspects of cloud engineering. The Program Committee will interpret "cloud engineering" very broadly – everything from engineering principles to practical experiences at and across different levels of the cloud stack, from both academia and industry. In particular, submissions on topics of emerging interest in the research and development communities are encouraged. Authors can choose to submit their papers under either the Research or Industry Track. Submissions are invited on the following non-exhaustive list of topics for both tracks: Cloud infrastructure Processors, accelerators for Cloud processing: interactive, batch, and streaming Cloud storage and databases, data management and distribution, middleware Programming models and tools SGX, Trust zone, hardware security support Multimedia Cloud Computing Cloud networking and 5G Runtimes, virtualization, containers, unikernels, serverless, Function-as-a-Service Platforms and services for data and analytics Operational analytics and DevOps solutions Economics of cloud Cloud services and applications X as a Service: Backend, Business Process, Database, Infrastructure, Network, Platform, Security, Software, Storage, Artifical Intelligence/Machine Learning etc. Microservices in the cloud Cloud architecture and application design Support for mobility (Near) Real-time applications and services Blockchain in support of cloud services Cloud orchestration and automation Software Engineering methods for cloud services and applications Internet of Things Cloud management Big Data management, platforms, analytics Energy management in cloud centers Cloud security, privacy, compliance, and trust Metering, pricing, and software licensing Resource management and optimization Service lifecycle management, automation Performance, dependability, SLAs, Quality of Service Deployment and migration Resource management and accounting Cloud operating models including, public, on-premises and hybrid integration Monitoring, benchmarking, and testing Fog and Edge Computing Runtime systems, programming models, middleware, and applications Data management and distribution Coordination and integration with cloud platforms Accelerators at the edge and core Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at the core and edge, federated learning Mobile cloud computing Submission Instructions Authors must submit full and short papers in PDF via the Web submission form at EasyChair, upon selecting the Research or Industry Track. Both Research and Industry Track papers should use the IEEE Manuscript Template for Conference Proceedings for formatting. LaTeX users must use \documentclass[10pt,conference]{IEEEtran}, without including the compsoc or compsocconf options. Full papers should not exceed 10 double-column pages, including figures, and tables, and references can be additional pages. Short papers are limited to 6 pages, not including references, and should be clearly marked as such in the title. Authors of research papers are highly encouraged to publish software and data sets as open source/data. All papers should be single blind. Review Process and Publication All submitted manuscripts will be peer-reviewed. Submissions will be judged on correctness, originality, technical strength, significance, quality of presentation, and interest and relevance to the conference scope. Submitted manuscripts must contain original contributions, and their contributions must not have appeared in or be under consideration for publication in another workshop, conference or journal. After review, some high quality full paper submissions but not meeting the acceptance criteria may be offered to be published as a short paper (6 pages) or a poster (2 pages). Accepted papers will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services (EI indexed). Selected papers may be invited to submit an extended version in a journal special issue (currently under consideration). Important Dates Abstract submission deadline: April 12 2021 (AoE, GMT-12) Full and short paper submission deadline: April 12, 2021 (AoE, GMT-12) Author notification: June 30, 2021 Camera-ready copies: July 30, 2021 ======================================================================================== CALL FOR POSTERS The 9th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E 2021) calls for posters that fall within the general subject area and research topics of IC2E. The Poster Track is meant to introduce new or ongoing work and foster the interaction among conference attendees. Posters also provide an excellent opportunity for authors to receive valuable feedback from the community on early-stage research and engage in the exchange of new ideas. Therefore, the submission of early-stage research, promising ideas not yet validated through extensive evaluation or controversial topics that can stimulate discussion at the conference are encouraged. Poster submissions at IC2E 2021 will be selected based on a 2-page extended abstract, which will be evaluated in terms of technical merit, novelty, and the potential to stimulate interesting discussions at the conference. The submission should use the same layouting guidelines as papers (see Submission Instructions) and should not exceed 2 pages including references. Extended abstracts of accepted posters will be included in the conference proceedings. At least one author of each accepted poster must register for the conference to present the poster. Important Dates Extended abstract submission deadline: July 9, 2021 (AoE, GMT-12) Author notification: July 23, 2021 Camera-ready copies: July 30, 2021 ======================================================================================== CALL FOR DOCTORAL SYMPOSIUM PAPERS Aim and Scope The IC2E Doctoral Symposium is intended to bring together PhD candidates working on Cloud Engineering related topics. It will provide PhD candidates with an opportunity to present their research in front of an audience of peers, senior faculty, and industrial representatives in a supportive environment. In addition, the symposium will be an excellent opportunity for students to explore issues of academic and research careers and build relationships with other students and faculty working in related fields. The goals of the Doctoral Symposium are to provide PhD candidates with the opportunity to: Receive constructive feedback and advice on their ongoing research project Meet experts with different backgrounds working on topics related to their research field Interact with other PhD candidates and faculty, providing an opportunity to start building valuable long term collaborations Discuss career-related issues, including concerns related to research, supervision and job market. Eligibility The symposium is open only to active doctoral students. Participants should be far enough away to have a concrete research proposal, which outlines the key research challenges they intend to solve. They should also not plan to finish their dissertation within 6 months of the symposium, so that they have time to incorporate feedback and suggestions into their work. Symposium Format The symposium will be held during the IC2E conference. The event consists of student presentation sessions and a panel discussion. Each participant will be given time for a short presentation followed immediately by an in-depth and constructive discussion led by the panel. The event will conclude with a panel discussion where panelists will have another opportunity to provide general tips and advice to the group, including job search and career options. Submission Requirements Submissions must be from a single author, on the topic of the candidate's thesis, and must include the name of the thesis advisor. The topics of interest are the same as in the main IC2E conference. Submissions should include: a clearly formulated research question the identification of a significant research problem an outline of the current status of the problem domain and its solutions a presentation of any preliminary ideas, the proposed approach and the preliminary results (if available) the applied or planned research methodology a short biographical summary including affiliations, research activities, and when the student intends to finish the thesis work The overall submission should be up to 4 pages long, following the format of the main IC2E conference. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Important Dates Submission deadline: July 23, 2021 Notification of acceptance: August 30, 2021 Camera-ready copies: September 8, 2021 |