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S&I Media 2021 : Stereo & immersive Media 2021 - Photography, Sound and Cinema Research


When Jun 17, 2021 - Jun 19, 2021
Where Online
Submission Deadline Mar 1, 2021
Categories    film   photograâºhy   sound   stereoscopic

Call For Papers

The International Conference on Stereo & Immersive Media aims to bring together the research fields of photography, sound and cinema, considering their historical and current relationships with expanded and immersive environments. In 2021, due to the Corona virus pandemic, its 4th edition will adopt an online format and will combine traditional plenary sessions and themed parallel tracks, with a S3D Short Film Festival and a Virtual Art Gallery to showcase the most recent and diverse immersive artworks.

Stereoscopic and immersive technologies have been widening the scopes of photography, sound and cinema since the 19th century. Immersion draws both on state of the art technologies and on old and discontinued media that have once stimulated and expanded our perception. While these technologies (from stereo views to cinema, virtual reality or video gaming) have deeply strengthened the human relationship to virtual worlds, they have also made visual documents more engaging, triggering richer and more inspiring interpretations of reality. Today, some of these technologies are also being used and considered vital to reshape our perception of heritage and to allow new readings and museological experiences of historical collections. 

Paper Submission Guidelines

The organizing committee invites scholars, researchers, artists, curators and archivists to submit a proposal for a paper presentation addressing one or more of the following themes:

1- Stereoscopic Photography and its Visual Cultures (19th to 21st Century);

2- Photography, Cinema and Sound Media Archaeologies;

3- Scientific and Social History of Early Immersive Media;

4- 3D Cinema, Virtual Reality and Video Gaming;

5- Media Arts (Visual/Sound) and Immersion;

6- Urban Sound Studies;

7- Performance and Visual Media;

8- Cultural Heritage and Digital Age;

The abstract should be no longer than 250 words. Please include a short biography (150 words) and 3 to 5 keywords. Make your submission here:

Deadline for abstracts: March 1, 2021. 

S3D Short Film Submission Guidelines

S&I Media’s S3D Short Film Festival will include films that explore and highlight the immersive features of stereoscopic technologies. The format for all film submissions is anaglyph. Films should not exceed 30 minutes and must feature English subtitles where appropriate.

Please state in your proposal the materials provided and needed for the presentation of your project.

All films should be accompanied by:
Synopsis (no more than 250 words)
Biography of the author (no more than 150 words)

Deadline for S3D Short Film submissions: March 30, 2021.

Proposals should be submitted via Wetransfer, Filetransfer ou FTP to

Invited Speakers

TOM GUNNING, The University of Chicago

DENIS PELLERIN, The London Stereoscopic Company

ELIZABETH EDWARDS, De Montfort University, Leicester

CARLOS TEIXIDOR, Institute of Cultural Heritage of Spain


Applicants are invited to submit their papers for publishing to the peer-reviewed and open access International Journal on Stereo & Immersive Media (

Further inquiries should be sent to

Related Resources

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