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RAW 2021 : International Robust Artificial Intelligence Workshop (RAW)


When Sep 8, 2021 - Sep 10, 2021
Where Szczecin, Poland
Submission Deadline Apr 15, 2021
Notification Due May 10, 2021
Final Version Due Jun 1, 2021
Categories    robust ai   explainable ai   cognitive models and architect   understanding and controlling

Call For Papers

Methods in AI for robotic control, mobile platforms, and cognitive cyber-physical systems are developing rapidly. They tackle the challenging task of modeling real-world systems and environments through data, using machine vision, reinforcement learning for control, probabilistic machine learning, among many others. Such data-driven approaches have led to many concerns regarding the robustness, stability, and overall safety of these systems.

While data-driven approaches based on learning algorithms have seen huge success in the last decade, when applied to cyber-physical systems such as manufacturing applications and healthcare robotics, the lack of safety guarantees causes trust issues. A central challenge is defining and implementing robustness for different applications and providing methods for analyzing and verifying models. This workshop investigates the diverse meaning of robust AI and gathers a wide array of approaches to the problem.

The RAW - workshop provides a forum for bringing together researchers from academia and industry to explore and present their findings in Robust Artificial Intelligence with theories, systems, technologies, and approaches for testing and validating them on challenging real-world, safety-critical applications.

Interesting research topics for the workshop and for papers include, but are not limited to:

Cognitive models and architectures

Explainable AI

Knowledge-driven models

Safe exploration


Reasoning-based methods


Understanding and controlling machine learning biases

Adversarial attacks and defense

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