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VSC @IEEE WETICE 2021 : Track on Validating Software for Critical Systems (VSC) @IEEE WETICE 2021


When Jun 23, 2021 - Jun 25, 2021
Where Basque Coast - Bayonne, France
Submission Deadline Mar 31, 2021
Notification Due Apr 25, 2021
Final Version Due May 15, 2021
Categories    software testing   static analysis   formal verification   security & privacy

Call For Papers

Track on Validating Software for Critical Systems

Conference Track @ 30th IEEE WETICE 2021
Vanue: Basque Coast - Bayonne, France

Important Dates

First-round submission:
- Submission deadline (EXTENDED): March 31st, 2021
- Notification of acceptance: April 25th, 2021
- Camera ready papers: May 15th, 2021


VSC track brings the opportunity for researchers and developers from industry and the
academic world to report the state of the art and exchange ideas on correctness,
confidentiality, security, privacy and reliability of software technologies. The idea is
to foster research and development for the advanced support needed to enhance the
level of quality and of user trust on services holding personal data and involving
collaboration with unknown remote parties.

Nowadays, the widespread use of smart devices, such as smart cards, watches, phones,
and tablets, connected by the ubiquitous public Internet network, enables us to easily
access a vast range of useful services. Distributed technologies such as blockchains have
emerged to foster collaboration and data preservation. In this context, applications that
hold or exchange sensitive user data, like personal details, security pin-codes, or
biometric data, need special protection against software failures or malicious behaviour
of downloaded code, that may expose the user to highly undesired consequences, such
as threats to confidentiality and even financial or health danger.

New and specially designed techniques can be devised and applied in order to reach the
goal of increasing the trust on such a distributed computing environment to a level of
strength matching with the high strength of the above safety critical requirements.

Topics Covered

Submission is encouraged, but not limited, to the following topics:

- Verification techniques
- Novel testing and validation algorithms
- Dependability assessment techniques
- Model-based validation and testing techniques for security and privacy
- Analysis of threats and countermeasures to the security of smart devices
- Blockchain analysis tailored to security and privacy
- Static and run-time techniques for byte-code verification and validation
- Validation testing of safety critical technologies
- Validation of large-scale distributed applications
- Software testing in multi-core environments
- Risk-based approaches to software validation
- Assessing security and robustness of applications
- Software architectures for securing software on collaboration devices
- Static code analysis tailored to security and privacy for iOS and Android
- Performance analysis of security-related features
- Performance and QoS testing
- Testing and analysis tools
- Security and Privacy in Cyber-Physical Systems
- Cyber Insurance


Andrea CALVAGNA, Università degli Studi di Catania, Italy
Andrea FORNAIA, Università degli Studi di Catania, Italy
Emiliano TRAMONTANA, Università degli Studi di Catania, Italy

Paper Submission

Papers up to six double-column pages (including figures, tables and
references) should contain original contributions not published
or submitted elsewhere and are to be formatted according to the IEEE template.

Authors must upload their paper as PDF file using the EasyChair submission system:

Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, and will be published
by the IEEE Computer Society Press, indexed by Scopus, Google Scholar, etc.


Related Resources

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