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JSTA 2021 : JSTA · Critical approaches towards (a new) arts education


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Submission Deadline Apr 15, 2021
Categories    arts education   hegemonic power relations   contemporary art   artistic practices

Call For Papers

A Call for Papers is now open, until April 15th, 2021, for yet another issue of the Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts (JSTA), this time specially dedicated to new critical approaches in arts education. The guest editors in this issue are Pedro Alves and Catarina S. Martins.

In this JSTA special issue, the guest editors intend to pose one of the most difficult challenges that arts education faces today: how to build a place and status for arts education knowledge (in a still unequal struggle against other kinds of knowledge) and, simultaneously, how to do it from a critical standpoint, which does not assume for itself, from the outset, a privileged or exceptional place, which does not reproduce the hegemonic power relations it seeks to criticize, and which stimulates provocation and change instead of accommodation and homogenization.

For this special issue of JSTA we seek articles and researches that lead, from criticism or practice, to a critical, diverse and current reflection on the problems and turbulences of arts education, under any of the following topics:

- Histories of arts education
- Critical pedagogical practices and theoretical approaches in arts education
- Action and research methodologies in arts education
- Political frameworks in arts education
- Social and cultural frameworks in arts education
- Anti-discriminatory perspectives in arts education
- Submissions should follow the editorial guidelines of JSTA and are to be made through the journal’s website:

The Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts is a peer-reviewed publication that results from a commitment of the Research Center for Science and Technology of the Arts (CITAR) to promote knowledge, research and artworks in the field of the Arts. The Journal provides a distinctive forum for anyone interested in artistic research and practised-based research. JSTA publishes three issues annually (April, July, and December) by the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, under an open access policy and has no article submission charges or article processing charges. JSTA is indexed by Scopus.

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