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SMC-IT 2021 : 8th IEEE International Conference on Space Mission Challenges for Information Technology


When Jul 27, 2021 - Jul 29, 2021
Where Online
Abstract Registration Due Feb 15, 2021
Submission Deadline Feb 22, 2021
Notification Due Apr 3, 2021
Final Version Due May 7, 2021
Categories    space   information technology   computer science   robotics

Call For Papers



SMC-IT 2021
8th International Conference on Space Mission Challenges for Information
July 27-29, 2021

Sponsored by: IEEE Computer Society and the Technical Committee on Software


Every two years, the International Conference on Space Mission Challenges for
Information Technology (SMC-IT) gathers system designers, engineers,
scientists, practitioners, and space explorers with the objective of advancing
information technology for space missions. The forum will provide an excellent
opportunity for fostering technical interchange on all hardware and software
aspects of IT applications in space missions.

The conference will focus on current information systems practice and
challenges as well as emerging information technologies with applicability for
future space missions. Information systems in all aspects of the space mission
will be explored, including flight systems, ground systems, science data
processing, engineering and development tools, operations, and
telecommunications. The entire information systems lifecycle of the mission
development will also be covered, such as conceptual design, engineering tools
development, integration and test, operations, science analysis, and quality

This edition of SMC-IT will be held virtually.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

* Data Analytics and Big Data: knowledge extraction and management; data
mining and analysis; data science life cycle; cloud computing in space;
quantum computing; neuromorphic computing

* Advanced Computing for Novel Instruments and Improved Operations: novel
exploitation techniques, algorithms, and data analytics; machine learning
and artificial intelligence; sensor networks

* Intelligent and Autonomous Spacecraft: intelligent systems; computational
intelligence; artificial intelligence; explainable AI; autonomy and
autonomous systems; UAV/UAS in space; cooperative systems / swarming

* Robotics for Exotic Mission Destinations: novel space exploration concepts
enabled by robotic advancements; humans working with robots in space

* Robotic Manufacturing and Assembly of Large Space Structures: 3D printing in
space; in-space manufacturing; robotics cooperation and interaction;
telerobotics; construction of structures on other planets/moons using in
situ materials; CAD tools for in-space assembly

* Space Networking: resilient communications; space-terrestrial
internet working and interoperability; standardization

* Cybersecurity: securing federal networks; protecting critical
infrastructure; cyber policies; international law; multi-level security;
defensive cyber operations

* Fault-Tolerant Space Processing, Memory, and Storage: innovative resilient
architectures; fault and power management approaches; architectures for
embedded artificial intelligence, big data, robotic vision, intelligent
systems applications, and resource-constrained environments

* Software Reliability for Mission-Critical Applications and Safety of Life:
verification and validation approaches; design for test; re-usable software
architectures; verification of complex systems; DevSecOps

* Advanced Ground Control: mission planning and scheduling; distributed and
collaborative mission planning; human-machine interactions; design for
change; the impact of agile development and continuous integration /
continuous deployment; the increasing velocity of ground system development

* Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality Applications: AR/VR applications to
telerobotics, data processing, mission operations, space science analysis;
video game technology advancing space capabilities; training astronauts

The SMC-IT 2021 Technical Committee is seeking three kinds of submissions at
this time: full papers, posters, and mini-workshop proposals.


SMC-IT 2021 solicits novel papers from all sectors of the space and aerospace
community, including: earth orbiting systems, deep space missions, ground
support systems, instruments, scientific data exploitation, landers, rovers,
and probes. The conference will address civil, military, and commercial
application areas for human and robotic missions.

SMC-IT 2021 will again use a single-pass, full-paper review process. Full
papers can be up to 8 pages in length and require a verbal presentation. For
full papers, a separate abstract (between four paragraphs and one page in
length) *must* be submitted first, which will be used by the PC to identify the
appropriate reviewers efficiently. Authors of full papers must submit a final
version of their paper of up to 8 pages at the outset.

Proposals for posters can be up to 2 pages in length. Poster authors or teams
will be given multiple opportunities to discuss their work with interested
attendees in poster sessions. Successful poster proposals will receive further
guidance on the exact size and format for their posters. We particularly
encourage college students to participate and submit original paper and poster

All papers accepted for SMC-IT 2021 will be published in the IEEE conference
proceedings, indexed in the IEEE Xplore database. Note that IEEE has a “Podium
and Publish” policy for conferences, which means that no manuscript will be
published in IEEE Xplore without first being presented at the conference. Some
selected papers may be invited to appear in a special issue of a reputable
journal in the field.


SMC-IT 2021 will continue the highly successful mini-workshop session format to
explore specific emerging technology themes in greater depth. Each
mini-workshop typically runs as one track for one day, or one or two half days,
and may incorporate invited and/or contributed papers.

To propose a mini-workshop topic, please submit a 1-2 page abstract including
the theme, scope, and goals of your workshop idea, as well as any potential
speakers already identified. Please also indicate whether you prefer a full-day,
or one or two half-day time-slots.


Full Papers can be up to 8 pages in length. Templates can be found on the
SMC-IT 2021 web site:

* July 23, 2020: Call for Full Papers, Posters, and Mini-Workshop Proposals
* October 5, 2020: Author Submission Website Open
* February 15, 2021: Abstract Submission Deadline (extended)
* February 22, 2021: Final Deadline for Papers, Posters and Mini-Workshop
Proposals (extended)
* April 3, 2021: Authors Acceptance Notification (extended)
* May 3, 2021: Early-bird Registration Opens
* May 7, 2021: Final Manuscripts Due (incorporating reviewer comments)
* July 27-29, 2021: Conference

To join the SMC-IT mailing list, please send a blank email to
smc-it-info-join"at-sign" To be removed from the list, please send a
blank email to smc-it-info-leave"at-sign" For general inquiries, please
email smc-it-chairs"at-sign"

We look forward to seeing you online in July 2021!

* General Chair: Yogita Shah (yogita.shah"at-sign"
* Co-General Chair: Michelle Carter (michelle.carter"at-sign"
* Finance Chair: James Oyama (James.Y.Oyama"at-sign"
* Advisors to the General Chair:
Larry Bergman (Larry.Bergman"at-sign"
Amalaye Oyake (Amalaye.Oyake"at-sign"
Michael Campbell (michael.l.campbell"at-sign"

* Program Chair: Michael Lowry (michael.r.lowry"at-sign"
* Program Co-Chair: Ivan Perez (ivan.perezdominguez"at-sign"

* María Dolores Rodríguez Moreno (malola.rmoreno"at-sign"
* Keith Schubert (Keith_Schubert"at-sign"
* Michela Munoz Fernandez (Michela"at-sign"
* Brian Duncan (Brian.Duncan"at-sign"
* Luke Lucas (Luke.Lucas"at-sign"

* Richard Doyle (Richard.J.Doyle"at-sign"
* Rupak Biswas (rupak.biswas"at-sign"
* Jana Roche
* Chris Mattman
* Yisong Yue

Last change: Jan 15, 2021 (v7)

Related Resources

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