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MDPI Mathematics InSysModGraph 2021 : Special Issue Information Systems Modeling Based on Graph Theory


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Submission Deadline Aug 31, 2022
Categories    computer science   graph theory   information systems   modeling

Call For Papers

Special Issue Information

Dear Colleagues,

Invitation: [Mathematics] Special Issue “Information Systems Modeling Based on Graph Theory” (IF: 2.258, Rank Q1)

The journal Mathematics (ISSN 2227-7390, IF 2.258) is currently running a Special Issue entitled “Information Systems Modeling Based on Graph Theory". We are serving as Guest Editors for this issue. We think you could make an excellent contribution based on your expertise.

The purpose of this special issue is to establish the current state-of-the-art mathematical modeling of Information and IT Systems exploiting various graph theoretical approaches, taking into account the final purpose of each type of model, as well as their advantages and applications in Information and IT Systems of special interest, are research papers that deal with the application of mathematical models. This Special Issue welcomes theoretical and applied contributions that address graph-theoretic algorithms, technologies, and practices. This Special Issue is devoted to recent advances in information systems and the application of graphs in the realm of information and data architecture and graph data models.

For further reading, please follow the link to the Special Issue Website at:

The submission deadline is 31 August 2022. You may send your manuscript now or up until the deadline. Submitted papers should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. We also encourage authors to send a short abstract or tentative title to Patty Hu( or Editorial Office in advance (

Mathematics is fully open access. Open access (unlimited and free access by readers) increases publicity and promotes much more frequent citations, as it is indicated by several studies. Open access is supported by the authors and their institutes. An Article Processing Charge (APC) of CHF 1800 currently applies to all accepted papers.
However, a 50% discount per each single accepted paper is still available, for up to nine pieces. For further details on the submission process, please see the instructions for authors on the journal website ( I look forward to collaborating with you and to hearing back from you soon.

Best regards,

Prof. Dr. Andras Benczur
professor emeritus
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Molnár Bálint
Faculty of Informatics, Eotvos Lorand University Budapest

We are pleased to announce this Special Issue of the journal Mathematics, entitled "Information Systems Modelling Based on Graph Theory." This initiative focuses on the topic of the application of graphs and graph theories in any aspect of information systems, including information system design and modeling in organizations and large systems of information collection in science, medicine, administration, etc.

We aim to include articles containing novel applications of theoretical results on different graph models, including ordinary graphs, hypergraphs, and any kind of labeled or colored digraphs.

Another trend in today's technology is IoT (the Internet of Things), which generates and supplies an enormous amount of data for information systems that apply recent technologies, such as data warehouses and data lakes.

The IoT networks, fog, and edge computing can be considered as systems where computing devices are interrelated and can exchange data between themselves over a communication network. These enormous amounts of data are collected and processed in information systems. The effective design of this complex architecture requires rigorous mathematical- based models, especially graph-based approaches for checking consistency, integrity, and security of models.

Enterprise information systems support and control operational business processes that embrace everything from simple internal back-office processes to complex inter-organizational processes. Technologies such as business process modelling and management, workflow management (WFM), enterprise application integration (EAI), enterprise resource planning (ERP), service-oriented architectures (SoA), and web services (WS) have a sound mathematical background that underlies the semi-formal, visual languages to represent business processes. The methods for Model-to-Program (M-2-P) exploits the fact that the descriptive languages are grounded in mathematics, especially various graph-based approaches. The algorithms that transform the representation of business processes to web services and executable programs rely on formal and graph-theoretic approaches to create reliable operational systems.

Process mining aims to extract information from event logs to capture the business process as it is being executed. To achieve effective and efficient interpretation of the data stored in logs and to exploit the recent methods of data science, one of the reasonable directions is to apply adequate graph representation and pattern matching methodologies.

This Special Issue welcomes theoretical and applied contributions that address graph-theoretic algorithms, technologies, and practices. This Special Issue is devoted to recent advances in information systems and application of graphs in the realm of information and data architecture and graph data models, including but not limited to those in the following areas:

Representations of business and data processing
The aspect of models in information systems
The architecture of information systems
Analyses of models represented by finite-state machines and automation
Knowledge representation and integration
Model transformation
Consistency checking of IS models (data and information architecture)
Graph databases in IS
Querying large models by graph algorithms
Applications of ranking graphs
Graph representation and logic languages
Applications of data science on graph representation of information systems
Analytics of real, large graphs and networks
Graph pattern search and matching
Semantic unification and harmonization
Social network analysis and its applications
Social Internet of Things (SioT) and its applications
Multiple Internet of Things (MIoT) and its applications
Horn logic and hypergraphs

As a response to the recent advancements, the objective of this Special Issue is to present a collection of notable methods and applications of graph theoretical approaches in the modeling of information systems. We invite scientists from all around the world to contribute to developing a comprehensive collection of papers on the progressive and high impact of modeling of information systems exploiting properties of various graph-based approaches.

We thus encourage you to send high-quality articles disseminating novel research achievements for this issue.

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