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SSDBM 2021 : 33rd International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM 2021)


Conference Series : Statistical and Scientific Database Management
When Jul 6, 2021 - Jul 7, 2021
Where Tampa, Florida, USA
Submission Deadline Mar 21, 2021
Notification Due May 16, 2021
Final Version Due Jun 6, 2021
Categories    data management   statistical database   scientific database   dbs support of ai/ml

Call For Papers

33rd International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM 2021)
July 6-7, 2021, Tampa, Florida, USA

**IMPORTANT: The safety and well-being of all conference participants is our priority. After evaluating the current COVID-19 situation, the decision has been made to run SSDBM 2021 as an online event. The conference will no longer take place in Tampa, Florida and will take place virtually instead.

Important Dates

Submission deadline: March 21, 2021
Notifications: May 16, 2021
Camera-ready deadline: June 6, 2021

Scope and Topics

The SSDBM international conference brings together scientific domain experts, database researchers, practitioners, and developers for the presentation and exchange of current research results on concepts, tools, and techniques for scientific and statistical database applications. The 33rd SSDBM will provide a forum for original research contributions and practical system design, implementation and evaluation. The conference program typically consists of a single track to facilitate discussion, and contains presentations of invited talks, panel sessions, and demonstrations of research prototypes and industrial systems.

SSDBM 2021 will be hosted by the University of South Florida at Tampa, Florida, USA, and will continue the tradition of past SSDBM meetings in providing a stimulating environment to encourage discussion, fellowship and exchange of ideas. This year the focus is on Database System Support of AI/Machine Learning/Data Mining. SSDBM 2021 aims at soliciting original ideas on Database System Support of AI/Machine Learning/Data Mining including challenges and opportunities, concepts and applications, and future trends. Topics from other areas of data management, databases, and information systems are welcome, as long as the submitted work is original, unpublished, and not under consideration for publication anywhere else.

The Proceedings of SSDBM 2021 will be published by ACM - International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS) and will be available in the ACM Digital Library. The best papers will be considered for publication in the Distributed and Parallel Databases (DAPD) - An International Journal of Data Science, Engineering, and Management, Springer, ISSN: 0926-8782 (pending).

Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to, the following, as they relate to scientific and statistical data management:

- DB support of machine learning and AI
- Modeling of scientific data
- Indexing and querying scientific data, including spatial and temporal data
- Provenance data management
- Data integration
- Visualization and exploration of large datasets
- Spatial, temporal and spatio­temporal scientific data
- Geographical information retrieval
- Stream data representation and management
- Stream data analysis, e.g., summarization, statistical analysis, pattern matching, pattern discovery, learning, and prediction
- Design, implementation, optimization, and reproducibility of scientific workflows
- Security and privacy
- Cloud computing issues in large­scale data management
- Information retrieval and text mining
- System architectures
- Case studies (e.g., astrophysics, climate, energy, sustainability, biomedicine)
- Distributed systems and devices
- Internet of Things data analytics
- Smart city applications and services

Submission Guidelines

Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished manuscripts. We solicit research papers (long and short), and demo papers. All submissions should be formatted according to the ACM Master Article "sigconf" proceedings template. SSDBM 2021 is single-blind reviewed; authors must include their names and affiliations on the first page.

Long research papers (up to 12 pages) should be descriptions of complete technical work, while short papers (up to 4 pages) should describe interesting, innovative ideas, which nevertheless require more work to mature, or are vision papers. The program committee may decide to accept some long papers as short papers. Long papers will be given a presentation slot in the conference, while short papers will be presented in the form of posters.

Demo papers up to 4 pages should provide the motivation for the demonstrated concepts, the information about the technology and the system to be demonstrated (including a system description, functionality and figures when applicable), and should state the significance of the contribution.

All papers will be given an entry in the conference proceedings.

Submission site and contact information

The submission site is on Easychair (

Please send any inquiries regarding the conference to:


General Chair: Yicheng Tu, University of South Florida, USA

Program Committee Chairs:
Qiang Zhu, University of Michigan - Dearborn, USA
Xingquan (Hill) Zhu, Florida Atlantic University, USA

Demo Chair: Zichen (Frank) Xu, Nanchang University, China

Proceedings Chair: Anand Kumar, Amazon, USA

Web Chair: Minh Pham, University of South Florida, USA

Related Resources

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IDEAS 2025   International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium
IEEE ICAIBD 2025   IEEE--2025 The 8th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data (ICAIBD 2025)
IDEAS 2025   International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium
FRUCT37   The 37th IEEE FRUCT Conference
SSTD 2025   Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases
ICTC--SCI 2025   2025 6th Information Communication Technologies Conference (ICTC 2025)--SCI
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