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Link: http://ito.mdpu.org.ua/#registration | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
ICITES 2021 Institute of information technologies and learning tools belonged to the National Academy of Education Science of Ukraine, Zaporizhzhia National University (Zaporizhzhia), Berdyansk State Pedagogical University (Berdyansk), Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy (Kharkiv), Classical private university (Zaporizhzhia), Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University (Starobilsk), Katowice School of Technology (Poland), Higher linguistic school in Czestochowa (Poland), Pedagogical University in Gori (Georgia), Kozybayev University (Kazakhstan), Ardahan State University (Turkey) SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION AND SCIENCE On June 10-11, 2021, the second international conference on information technologies in education and science will take place at the Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol state pedagogical university. Conference website: http://ito.mdpu.org.ua/ Registration link: http://ito.mdpu.org.ua/assets/docs/inf_konf_2021.docx Key topic: Features of implementation of IT in education and science. Conference tracks: Track 1: Theoretical and applied problems of adaptive, individualized and personalized learning. Track 2: Information technologies of adaptive, individualized and personalized learning. Track 3: Problems of professional training in the blended learning framework. Track 4: Information and communication technologies in education. Track 5: Information technology in research. Track 6: State-of-the-art areas of software development. The conference materials will be distributed in electronic format, as well as in printed form. Materials presented at the conference can be published at the choice of the author in: - electronic collection of scientific papers “Advances in Educational Technology”; - "Information Technology in Education and Science" printed collection of abstracts; - electronic science Journal “Ukrainian Journal of Educational Studies and Information Technology”; The Organizing Committee reserves the right to reject materials that do not meet the requirements of the conference. DEADLINES Submission of articles for publication in «Advances in Educational Technology» – until 24 January, 2021. Notification of acceptance or rejection of articles submitted to «Advances in Educational Technology» – until 15 March, 2021. Submission of final versions of articles to «Advances in Educational Technology» – until 1 April, 2021. Submission of materials for publication in the printed collection of abstracts " Information Technology in Education and Science " (registration form link) or in the electronic science Journal “Ukrainian Journal of Educational Studies and Information Technology” – until 17 May, 2021. Payment for participation – until 28 May, 2021. Registration of participants – until 28 May, 2021. The Conference – 10 -11 June, 2021. REQUIREMENTS FOR SUBMISSION OF MATERIALS Submission of articles for publication in «Advances in Educational Technology» Articles in English in volume from 6 to 10 pages, format of the template CEURART (https://notso.easyscience.education/aet/2020pp/CEURART.zip), should be submitted as a PDF file at the link https://notso.easyscience.education/aet/2020pp/ by 24 January, 2021. To upload an article to the submission system, register at the link https://notso.easyscience.education/aet/2020pp/newaccount (Create new account), then follow the link https://notso.easyscience.education/aet/2020pp/paper/new (New submission). When filling in the submission fields, be sure to select “Short Papers: Information technologies in education and” in response to questions “Which track is your paper submitted to?”, and select conference sections (Topics) only from the column “Information technologies in education and science”. Submission of materials for publication in the electronic collection of conference materials To submit the application and the extended annotation of the speech, you should fill in the electronic form (http://ito.mdpu.org.ua/assets/docs/inf_konf_2021.docx) by May 17, 2021. The volume of the extended annotation is 200 text characters. The title of the speech, speakers and an extended abstract should be submitted in English. Submission of materials for publication in the electronic science Journal «Ukrainian Journal of Educational Studies and Information Technology» For publication it is necessary to e-mail the organizing committee conferinf@gmail.com send the text of the article, designed in accordance with the requirements journal (see https://bit.ly/2LBpbXa). The article is recommended for printing after passing the procedure of reviewing and finalization (in the case of need). After receiving the materials, the organizing committee sends a confirmation letter to the participant by March 15, 2021. Participants who have not received confirmation are requested to send an application for participation to the e-mail conferinf@gmail.com. Conference participants will receive a program and a certificate of participation, as well also a collection of abstracts (in case of order). In the case of online reporting by video conferencing materials will be sent within two months to the address specified in the application. For additional information, please contact the conference organizing committee by e-mail conferinf@gmail.com. Sincerely, Organizing committee |