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ICSS 2021 : CCF 14th International Conference on Service Science | |||||||||||||||
Link: https://icss2021.xidian.edu.cn/ | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
International Conference on Service Science (ICSS) is an annual academic event initiated by IBM and directed by the Advisory and Steering Committee on Serviceology in China, and is also one of the top events of service science community in China. ICSS features a unique mix of academic, industrial, and cross-discipline topics, and provides a platform for the presentation and exchange of research results and practical experiences as well as education development on serviceology. ICSS also aims at bridging the perspectives of researchers and the needs of practitioners. The speakers in the conference include many of the leading service science experts from both academia and service industries around the world. The previous thirteen ICSS events were successfully held at Beijing (2008 and 2009), Hangzhou (2010), Taipei (2011), Shanghai (2012), Shenzhen (2013), Wuxi (2014), Weihai (2015), Chongqing (2016), Xiamen (2017), Shanghai (2018), Tianjin (2019) and Xining (2020, online). Over 120 experts around the world attended each of the ICSS conferences. Following this trend, ICSS 2021 will be held in Xi’an, the capital of Shaanxi province, which is one of the most beautiful cities of mainland China with lush green parks, natural scenic lakes, small mountains, historical buildings and monuments, and relics. The CCF 14th International Conference on Service Science (CCF ICSS 2021) aims to bring together scholars and students, researchers and managers of serviceology related areas and industries for intellectual exchanges, research cooperation, education and professional development. CCF ICSS 2021 will offer keynote speeches and several research topics, for inviting presentations of theoretical research findings and case study in service science and its related fields, and also offers excellent networking opportunities to participants, with a wonderful taste of local culture in Xi’an. Call for paper: CCF ICSS 2021 research track seeks original, unpublished research papers reporting substantive new work in various aspects of services science, management, engineering, and technology. Research papers must properly cite related work and clearly indicate their contributions to the field of serviceology and related fields. All topics relevant to serviceology are of interest, but the conference program committee particularly encourages submissions in the following categories: 1. Intelligent and cognitive technologies for services 2. Service science theory 3. Service management, operation and optimization models, theories and algorithms 4. Service innovation and design methodologies 5. Software service engineering, crowdsourcing, open source, and DevOps 6. Big data, big services, crossover services, and Internet of Services 7. Cloud services, IoT services, and edge services 8. Blockchain-inspired services computing paradigms 9. Service industry practices 10. Service education, including curricula, courses and case studies Submission Guidelines 1. Submission System Please submit your manuscript to: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icss20210 2. Author Guidelines and Templates Each paper will be rigorously reviewed by three members of the program committee based on relevance to ICSS, significance, originality, technical soundness and clarity of presentation. All submissions must be original work and must not have been published elsewhere and must not be currently under consideration by any other conferences or journals. An original submitted papers should be formatted following the templates in https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html. The long paper submission is limited to 8 pages (double column) and the short paper submission is limited to 6 pages (double column). 3. Conference Website https://icss2021.xidian.edu.cn/ Publication Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings which will be published by IEEE CPS and will be included in IEEE Xplore and the IEEE Computer Society (CSDL) digital libraries. IEEE will arrange for indexing through IEE INSPEC, EI (Compendex), Thomson ISI, and other indexing services, but the conference and IEEE CPS cannot ensure that your accepted papers are finally indexed. Meanwhile, extended version of some high-quality accepted papers will be recommended to the following journals. The conference and the journal editors cannot ensure that your extended papers could be 100% accepted by the journals. If your papers were accepted by the journals, you should pay publication fee (if necessary) at the request of the journal editors. Venue and Accommodation: 1. Venue Science and technology building, Xidian University Address: No.2, South Taibai Road, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China (In Chinese 地址:陕西省西安市雁塔区太白南路2号,西安电子科技大学北校区科技楼报告厅) 2. Accommodation Zhicheng Libo Hotel (in Chinese: 志诚丽柏酒店) Address: No. 46, Gaoxin Road, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China Atour Hotel (in Chinese: 亚朵酒店) Address: No. 37, Keji Road, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China Contact us: Yueshen Xu Email: ysxu@xidian.edu.cn, icss2021@outlook.com Committees 1. Conference Chairs Honorary Chairs Junliang Chen, Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications, China Xiaofei Xu, Harbin Institute of Technology, China General Chairs Quan Wang, Xidian University, China Jianwei Yin, Zhejiang University, China Program Chairs Qingshan Li, Xidian University, China Jiangtao Cui, Xidian University, China Zhongjie Wang, Harbin Institute of Technology, China Organization Chairs Shangguang Wang, Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications, China Yueshen Xu, Xidian University, China Panel Chair Shuiguang Deng, Zhejiang University, China Xuanzhe Liu, Peking University, China 2. Steering Committee Bing Li, Professor, Wuhan University, China Changjun Jiang, Professor, Tongji University, China Hai Jin, Professor, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China James Spohrer, IBM Global University Programs, USA Jianwei Yin, Professor, Zhejiang University, China Jie Zhou, Professor, Tsinghua University, China Jun Wei, Professor, Institute of Software, China Academy of Sciences, China Keqing He, Professor, Wuhan University, China Liang-Jie Zhang, VP, Kingdee Research, China Rong Chang, IBM Research Watson, USA Sen Su, Professor, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China Xiaofei Xu, Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology, China Xiucheng Fan, Professor, Fudan University, China Yanbo Han, Professor, North China University of Technology, China Ying Huang, Professor, Lenovo Group / Peking University, China Yushun Fan, Professor, Tsinghua University, China Zhaohui Wu, Professor, Zhejiang University, China Zhi Jin, Professor, Peking University, China Zhiyong Feng, Professor, Tianjin University, China Zhonghai Wu, Professor, Peking University, China |