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IMECE 2021 : International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition


When Nov 1, 2021 - Nov 4, 2021
Where Virtual
Submission Deadline Mar 9, 2021
Notification Due Mar 16, 2021
Categories    engineering   manufacturing   design   energy

Call For Papers

The International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE) is ASME's largest research and development conference focused primarily on mechanical engineering, but encompasses perspectives from many engineering disciplines. IMECE is THE place for you to present your technical research and expertise, while also learning from and connecting with thousands of your peer researchers on a global level.

At IMECE you’ll experience stimulating innovation from basic discovery to translational application of new approaches and foster collaborations that engage stakeholders and partners not only from academia, but also from national laboratories, industry and government funding bodies. No other conference will provide you with more broad, but salient perspectives and knowledge-sharing on technical advances within mechanical engineering, than IMECE.

The tracks for 2021 include:

Acoustics, Vibration, and Phononics
Advanced Manufacturing
Advanced Materials: Design, Processing, Characterization and Applications
Advances in Aerospace Technology
Biomedical & Biotechnology Engineering
Dynamics, Vibration, and Control
Engineering Education
Fluids Engineering
Heat Transfer and Thermal Engineering
Mechanics of Solids, Structures and Fluids
Micro– and Nano-Systems Engineering and Packaging
Safety Engineering, Risk and Reliability Analysis
Design, Systems and Complexity
ASME International Undergraduate Research and Design Expo (Posters Only)
NSF (Includes NSF Student Competition (Posters only)
Research Posters

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