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AaU 2021 : CfP: Online Symposium: Apocalypse and Utopia, 1914-1945


When Feb 18, 2021 - Feb 18, 2021
Where Online
Submission Deadline Feb 4, 2021
Categories    religion   history   world war   interwar

Call For Papers

CfP: Online Symposium: Apocalypse and Utopia, 1914-1945

Submission deadline: 4 February 2021.
Symposium date: 18 February 2021.

While the apocalyptic resonances of the great global conflicts of the twentieth century are well known, the continuity and convulsion in social, political and wider cultural understandings of apocalypticism and utopic idealism across the span of the World Wars and the interwar years has received only limited academic attention. This online symposium will explore the evolution of existing and the emergence of new apocalyptic and millenarian thinking, groups, and movements during the period from the outbreak of the Great War in 1914, through the interwar period, and up to the end of World War Two in 1945.

It is intended that the symposium will consider apocalyptic and millenarian thinking in a broad sense and across geographies to include ostensibly political, secular, and socio-cultural subjects in addition to explicitly religious groups and movements where these capture, encode, or express themes of apocalypticism, utopianism, or the interaction of these two.

Paper proposals with a 300-word abstract and details of academic affiliation should be submitted to the organizers, Prof. James Crossley (St Mary’s University, Twickenham) and Dr. Alastair Lockhart (University of Cambridge), at by Thursday 4 February 2021.

For more information and full CfP, see the symposium webpage:

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