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FDL 2021 : 24th IEEE Forum on specification & Design Languages


Conference Series : Forum on specification and Design Languages
When Sep 8, 2021 - Sep 10, 2021
Where Antibes (France)
Abstract Registration Due May 17, 2021
Submission Deadline May 24, 2021
Notification Due Jun 30, 2021
Final Version Due Jul 19, 2021
Categories    embedded software   system engineering   domain specific languages   formal semantics

Call For Papers

The 24th IEEE Forum on specification and Description Languages (FDL) is an international event where academics and industrials exchange their experiences, advances and the new trends in the languages and techniques used along any phase of the development process of hardware and platform based Cyber Physical Systems. The targeted systems encompass distributed, real time, embedded systems, mechatronics, IoT, reactive systems amongst others; not only for the software part but also at the system level, i.e., including different concerns like for instance the hardware platform and the physical environment. ​

FDL stimulates scientific and controversial discussions within and in-between scientific topics at different maturity levels.​

FDL is based on four non-limiting scientific pillars. Cross-fertilization between them, e.g., in the context of System Engineering, is of great interest. ​

* Language: Domain-Specific Languages for software, execution platforms, allocations, environment, contracts, abstraction/refinement or coordination are of interest, together with the associated design methods and frameworks. ​

* Simulation: innovative simulation techniques, simulation of incomplete models, digital twins, collaborative simulation, hybrid simulations or runtime abstraction/refinement are of interest, with a special interest on efficiency and correctness of the simulations and the underlying tool and framework.

* Semantics: formal definition, compilers, interpreters, typing, abstraction/refinement, are of interest, together with the underlying specification frameworks or new approaches for their specification, modelling and model transformation. ​

* Verification and Analysis: beyond simulation, innovative static analysis, testing, debugging, model checking, artificial intelligence-based analysis or design space exploration are of interest, together with the underlying models, tools and frameworks ​


We solicit submissions of full research papers (6 to 8 pages), for oral presentation, which cover novel and complete research work supported by experimental results. We also solicit submissions of short papers (4 pages), for interactive presentations / posters. Furthermore, we solicit submissions for a PhD/Work in Progress Forum (2 pages).​

Authors should submit papers in double column, IEEE format as PDF through the online submission system.​


All accepted papers (long, short, WiP, poster) will appear in the informal electronic proceedings, handed out at the conference.​

Long and short papers will be published in electronic form on IEEE Xplore with an ISSN and an ISBN number.​

Extended versions of selected papers will be published as a journal special issue (TBC).​

Related Resources

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