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ICARSC 2021 : IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions


When Apr 28, 2021 - Apr 29, 2021
Where Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal
Submission Deadline Feb 22, 2021
Notification Due Mar 22, 2021
Final Version Due Mar 29, 2021
Categories    robotics   intelligent systems   computer vision   engineering

Call For Papers

Call for Papers
IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions
April 28-29, 2021
Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal

Dear colleague,

We are pleased to inform you that ICARSC 2021 - IEEE International Conference
on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions will be held at Santa Maria da
Feira, Portugal, on April 28-29, 2021.
The conference is co-located with ROBOTICA 2021 - The Portuguese Robotics Open,
a RoboCup-sponsored local event, and is promoted by the University of Aveiro,
University of Coimbra, Polytechnic Institute of Tomar and the Portuguese
Robotics Society.
The conference is planned to take place in a hybrid mode, allowing remote
participation along with physical presence.

EDIT: Due to the COVID19 pandemic, the conference will take place only in virtual mode.

== Conference Scope ==

ICARSC gathers participants from academia and industry working in the field of
autonomous robotics and related areas. ICARSC is a well established IEEE conference
that has been growing continuously for over a decade and is nowadays a truly
international forum attracting worldwide quality research papers.
ICARSC has long been an IEEE co-sponsored event and its proceedings will be
indexed in IEEExplore and Scopus. Moreover, similarly to previous editions,
extended versions of selected best papers will be invited for publication
at relevant indexed journals.

== Invited Speakers ==

Peter Stone, Austin University, USA
Miguel Ángel Sotelo, University of Alacalá de Henares, Spain

== Important Dates ==

Submission Extended to Feb 22, 2021
Notification Mar 22, 2021
Camera Ready Mar 29, 2021
Registration Apr 9, 2021
Conference Apr 28-29, 2021

== Conference Topics ==

The conference aims to gather researchers from the industry and academia to
present and discuss the latest trends in research and technology in the
fields of robotics and related areas.
Contributions from researchers, industry and outputs from collaboration
between industrial and academic R&D units are welcome in, but not limited to,
the following topics.
- Agricultural Robotics
- Applications of Autonomous Intelligent Robots
- Artificial Intelligence
- Autonomous Robotic Systems
- Computer Vision and Image Processing
- Control Architectures and Programming
- Cooperative Perception
- Cooperative Planning and Task Allocation
- Dexterous Manipulation and Grasping
- Educational Robotics
- Entertainment Robots
- Evolutionary Robotics
- Humanoid Robotics
- Human-Robot Interaction
- Localization, Mapping, and Navigation
- Locomotion and Actuation Systems
- Multi-Robot Coordination
- Multi-Robot Systems
- Planning, Reasoning and Modelling
- Recognition and Tracking
- Robot Learning
- Robotic Competitions
- Robotic Simulation
- Sensors and Sensor Integration
- Swarm Robotics
- Underwater Robotics

== Paper Submission ==

Authors are invited to submit original research contributions in English.
Six pages in the standard IEEE format:
are allowed for each paper, including tables and figures. Full papers should
be submitted electronically, in PDF format, using the platform:

Reviewing for ICARSC 2021 will be *double blind* so authors must remove their
names from the submitted papers and should take reasonable care not to indirectly
disclose their identity.

Accepted papers will be scheduled for presentation, which requires that at least
one of the authors must register at the Conference and present the paper. Failure
to meet this requirement will imply removing the paper from the online version
of the proceedings.

A selection of the presented papers will be invited to propose extended versions
for a special issue of the Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems (
Besides the conference best paper award, there will also be a best paper award
promoted by the Industrial Robot Journal that can be further extended for
publication in the journal.

See you in Santa Maria da Feira!
EDIT: Due to the COVID19 pandemic, the conference will take place only in virtual mode.

Vitor Santos, Universidade of Aveiro, IEETA, Portugal
Nuno Lau, Universidade of Aveiro, IEETA, Portugal
Pedro Neto, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
Ana Lopes, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, Portugal

(Co-chairs of ICARSC 2021)

Please check further details at

Should you have any question please contact

Related Resources

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