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ISORC 2021 : International Symposium on Real-Time Computing


Conference Series : International Symposium on Object/Component/Service-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing
When Jun 1, 2021 - Jun 3, 2021
Where Daegu, South Korea
Submission Deadline Jan 15, 2021
Notification Due Mar 29, 2021
Final Version Due Apr 16, 2021
Categories    real-time   internet of things   energy-efficient systems   operating systems and middlewa

Call For Papers

ISORC has become established as the leading event devoted to state-of-the-art research in the field of object/component/service-oriented real-time distributed computing (ORC) technology. Celebrating the 24th anniversary since its foundation in 1998, ISORC continues the trend of providing an international forum for researchers and industry experts to exchange and share their experiences, ideas, latest research results on all aspects of ORC technology. Following the previous year’s experience, ISORC will continue to employ the double-blind review process and a rebuttal phase this year.

IEEE ISORC 2021 invites high-quality papers on all aspects of ORC technology, including, but not limited to:
Real-Time Distributed Computing
Cloud/Edge/Fog Computing
Internet of Things (IoT)
Real-Time Scheduling Theory
Real-Time Networks
Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems
Self-Aware Computing Systems
Energy-Efficient Systems
Autonomous Systems (e.g., Autonomous Driving)
Machine Learning for Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems
Real-Time Deep Learning Inference
Optimization of Time-Sensitive Applications
Operating Systems and Middleware for ORC technology
Security and Privacy for ORC technology
Applications based on ORC technology, for example, medical devices, intelligent transportation systems, industrial automation systems and industry 4.0, smart grids, multimedia processing, and web/mobile applications

Related Resources

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IJU 2024   International Journal of Ubiquitous Computing
IEEE-Ei/Scopus-ITCC 2025   2025 5th International Conference on Information Technology and Cloud Computing (ITCC 2025)-EI Compendex
IEEE ICBDA 2025   IEEE--2025 the 10th International Conference on Big Data Analytics (ICBDA 2025)
DEBS 2025   The 19th ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event-Based Systems (DEBS 2025)
BIO 2025   7th International Conference on Bioscience & Engineering
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