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COMS 2020 : The 11th Workshop on Computational Optimization, Modelling and Simulation


When Jun 3, 2020 - Jun 5, 2020
Where Amsterdam
Submission Deadline Feb 7, 2020
Notification Due Mar 25, 2020
Final Version Due Apr 15, 2020
Categories    optimization   algorithm   computional science   simulation

Call For Papers

The 11th Workshop on Computational Optimization, Modelling and Simulation (COMS 2021)
3-5 June 2020, Amsterdam, Netherlands,
[Workshop Organizers: Xin-She Yang, Slawomir Koziel, Leifur Leifsson]

The 11th workshop "Computational Optimization, Modelling and Simulation (COMS 2020)" will be a part of the International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2021). This will be the 12th event of the COMS workshop series with the first held during ICCS 2010 in Amsterdam, then within ICCS in Singapore, USA, Spain, Australia, Iceland, USA, Switzerland, China, and Portugal. COMS 2020 intends to provide a forum and foster discussion on the cross-disciplinary research and development in computational optimization, computer modelling and simulation. Accepted papers will be published in Springer's LNCS Series.

COMS2020 will focus on new algorithms and methods, new trends, and latest developments in computational optimization, modelling and simulation as well as applications in science, engineering and industry.

Topics include (but not limited to):
· Computational optimization, engineering optimization and design
· Bio-inspired computing and algorithms
· Metaheuristics (ant and bee algorithms, cuckoo search, firefly algorithm, genetic algorithms, PSO, simulated annealing etc)
· Simulation-driven design and optimization of computationally expensive objectives
· Surrogate- and knowledge-based optimization algorithms
· Scheduling and network optimization
· Integrated approach to optimization and simulation
· Multiobjective optimization
· New optimization algorithms, modelling techniques related to optimization
· Design of experiments
· Application case studies in engineering and industry.

Scientific Program Committee:
* J. Betts, Monash University, Australia
* G. Bekdas, Istanbul University, Turkey
* S. F. Chien, MIMOS R & D Center, Malaysia
* N. Dey, BCET University, India
* Z. W. Geem, Gachon University, Korea
* M. Jamil, Harman International, Germany
* S. Koziel, Reykjavik University, Iceland
* L. Leifsson, Iowa State University, USA
* S. Nigdeli, Istanbul University, Turkey
* J. P. Papa, São Paulo State University, Brazil
* A. Pietrenko-Dabrowska, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland
* T. O. Ting, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China
* X. S. Yang, Middlesex University, UK
* Y. X. Zhao, Harbin Engineering University, China

Authors are invited to submit their original, unpublished manuscripts before the submission deadline, using the online submission system of the ICCS 2021 conference (select "Computational Optimization, Modeling and Simulation (COMS 2020)" in the "Workshop" field).

Information about paper format and submission procedure can be found on the conference website at

Workshop Organizers:

Xin-She Yang
School of Science and Technology
Middlesex University, London, UK
Email: x.yang[at]

Slawomir Koziel
Engineering Optimization & Modeling Center
Reykjavik University, Iceland
Email: koziel[at]

Leifur Leifsson
Department of Aerospace Engineering
Iowa State University, USA
Email: leifur[at]

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