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SEH 2021 : 3rd ICSE Workshop on Software Engineering for Healthcare


When Jun 3, 2021 - Jun 3, 2021
Where Madrid, Spain
Submission Deadline Jan 12, 2021
Notification Due Feb 22, 2021
Final Version Due Mar 12, 2021
Categories    software engineering   healthcare

Call For Papers

******CALL FOR PAPERS**********
3rd ICSE Workshop on Software Engineering for Healthcare (Collocated to ICSE21)
June. 3, 2021, Madrid, Spain
twitter: @SehealthcareW
Facebook: @SoftwareEngineeringForHealthcare

Submission deadline: Jan. 12, 2021
Notification: Feb. 22, 2021
Camera-ready copy: Mar. 12, 2021

Elena Navarro, UCLM, Spain (PC Chair)
Jens Weber, UVIC, Canada (Organizing Chair)
Elisa Yumi Nakagawa, USP, Brazil
Frances Paulisch, Siemens, Germany
Lina Garcés, UNIFEI, Brazil

Anirudh Aggarwal (Siemens Healthcare Private Limited, India)
Pablo Oliveira Antonino (Fraunhofer IESE, Germany)
George Avrunin (University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA)
Rafael Capilla (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain)
Yihai Chen (Shanghai University, China)
Craig Kuziemsky (MacEwan University, Canada)
Gunther Lenz (IBM Watson Health, USA)
Zhiming Liu (Southwest University, China)
Wendy MacCaull (St. Francis Xavier University, Canada)
Silvana MacMahon (Dublin City University, Ireland)
Bradley Malin (Vanderbilt University, USA)
Dominique Méry (LORIA, France)
Øystein Nytrø (Norwegian U. of Science and Tech., Norway)
Lee Osterweil (University of Massachusetts, USA)
Barbara Paech (University of Heidelberg, Germany)
Liam Peyton (University of Ottawa, Canada)
Ita Richardson (LERO, Univ. of Limerick, Ireland)
Neeraj Singh (ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, France)
Adel Taweel (Birziet University, Palestine)
Chuck Weinstock (Software Engineering Institute, USA)

Healthcare systems in many countries are looking to leverage emerging technologies from cloud computing to mobile apps to data science to biosensors and wearable devices while ensuring continuous quality improvement in the presence of rapidly changing demographics and an increased demand for complex care. The development and implementation of software-intensive systems has been seen a key enabler for healthcare system reform and many jurisdictions have provided major investments and incentive programs to propel this transformation. At the same time, interoperability barriers continue to impede adoption, especially in the context of complex care where different types of healthcare providers from different organizations need to collaborate. This workshop will provide a forum where students, researchers, and practitioners from software engineering, health informatics, and medical domains to develop practices and promote suitable standards, methods, models and techniques, shaping the next generation of health information systems that also ensure safety, security and sound governance.

This workshop will focus on the combination of the following themes, but not limited to: methods and techniques for designing, developing, and evaluating eHealth, mHealth, telehealth, and electronic health records systems, software architectures, software product lines, reference architectures, technical debt, big biomedical data, software quality, user interfaces, systems interoperability, cloud native applications, safety, security, governance, workflow integration, system quality, compliance
and regulatory issues, data analytics, healthcare performance management, and continuous quality improvement.
We look for papers that explore the above challenges (as well as other software engineering topics relevant to healthcare systems) and the role that software engineering plays in creating solutions to address them. We are expressly interested in applications from researchers in developing and underserved countries. We are also interested in submissions related to emerging trends in current practice submitted by those working in healthcare.

Three types of submissions are invited:
-Technical papers limited to 8 pages, presenting novel or tailored methods, processes, and tools for engineering eHealth, mHealth, telehealth, and electronic health records systems;
- Case studies limited to 8 pages, reporting experiments and/or industry experiences with one or more topics in the workshop; and
- Short papers limited to 4 pages, reporting preliminary results of ongoing studies in the topics in this workshop, identifying relevant challenges or promising directions for engineering such systems.
The page limit includes all text, figures, tables, and references. All submissions must be unpublished original work and not be under review elsewhere. All papers will be judged on the basis of their clarity, relevance, originality, and contribution.
All submissions must be in English, formatted according to the ICSA workshops 2020 Format and Submission Guidelines ( and submitted in PDF format through online upload to Easychair:

Accepted papers will be published in the electronic ICSE Proceedings in the IEEE Digital Library.

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