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NCAA 2021 : 2021 International Conference on Neural Computing for Advanced Applications


When Jul 2, 2021 - Jul 5, 2021
Where Guangzhou, China
Submission Deadline Mar 1, 2021
Notification Due May 16, 2021
Final Version Due May 30, 2021
Categories    neural computing   machine learning   computational intelligence   AI

Call For Papers

Call for Papers
NCAA is an annual international neural computing conference, which showcases state-of-the-art R&D activities in neural computing systems and their industrial and engineering applications. It provides a forum for technical presentations and discussions among neural computing researchers, developers and users from academia, business and industry.

The 2021 NCAA will be held in Guangzhou, China on July 2-5, 2021. China, a country which has a long history of 5000 years, is the perfect venue for addressing contemporary neural computing issues as new AI-related technical trends have been arising out of China’s top-notch IT infrastructure and cultural dynamicity. Guangzhou, also known as Canton and formerly romanized as Kwangchow, is the capital and most populous city of the province of Guangdong in southern China. On the Pearl River about 120 km (75 mi) north-northwest of Hong Kong and 145 km (90 mi) north of Macau, Guangzhou has a history of over 2,200 years and was a major terminus of the maritime Silk Road, and continues to serve as a major port and transportation hub, as well as one of China’s three largest cities. Due to a high urban population and large volumes of port traffic, Guangzhou is a Large-Port Megacity, the largest type of port-city in the world.

For up-to-date information on NCAA2021, visit its homepage:

For more information about Guangzhou, see

TOPICS of interest are relevant to building practical systems are within its scope, including but not limited to:

applicable neural networks theory
applied statistics
artificial intelligence
computer vision
control theory and systems
data mining
data security and privacy protection
evolutionary computing
fuzzy logic
fault diagnosis
hardware implementations
hybrid intelligent systems
image processing and understanding
intelligent agents
intelligent forecasting
machine learning
natural language processing
neural networks
neuro-fuzzy systems
nn-based industrial applications
pattern recognition
self-learning systems
software simulations
supervised and unsupervised learning methods
system engineering and integration
Technical Tracks
All submitted papers will be categorized into following technical tracks:

Neural network theory, cognitive sciences, neuro-system hardware implementations, and NN-based engineering applications

Track chairs: Zenghui Wang (University of South Africa), Shi Cheng (Shaanxi Normal University), Cuili Yang (Beijing University of Technology), Jianghong Ma (City University of Hong Kong)

Machine learning, data mining, data security & privacy protection, and data-driven applications

Track chairs: Li Zhang (Soochow University), Zhao Kang (University of Electronic Science and Technology), Yimin Yang (Lakehead University), Jicong Fan (Cornell University)

Computational intelligence, nature-inspired optimizers, and their engineering applications

Track chairs: Sheng Li (University of Georgia), Yaqing Hou (Dalian University of Technology), Zhile Yang (Chinese Academy of Sciences, SIAT), Xiaozhi Gao (University of Eastern Finland)

Cloud/edge/fog computing, the Internet of Things/Vehicles (IoT/IoV), and their system optimization

Track chairs: Cheng-Kuan Lin (Fuzhou University), Kai Liu (Chongqing University), Zhiying Tu (Harbin Institute of Technology), Xiangping Zhai (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics), Weizhi Meng (Technical University of Denmark)

Control systems, network synchronization, system integration, and industrial artificial intelligence

Track chairs: Chengqing Li (Hunan University), Qiang Jia (Jiangsu University), Yongji Wang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology), Ning Sun (Nankai University), Wenkai Hu (China University of Geosciences)

Fuzzy logic, neuro-fuzzy systems, decision making, and their applications in management sciences

Track chairs: Dongrui Wu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology), Zhaohong Deng (Jiangnan University), Liang Bai (Shanxi University), Jingjing Cao (Wuhan University of Technology), Xin Zhang (Tianjin Normal University)

Computer vision, image processing, and their industrial applications

Track chairs: Zhong Ji (Tianjin University), Bineng Zhong (Huaqiao University), Jiayi Ma (Wuhan University), Xiangyuan Lan (Hong Kong Baptist University), Mingbo Zhao (Donghua University)

Natural language processing, machine translation, knowledge graphs, and their applications

Track chairs: Lap-Kei Lee (The Open University of Hong Kong), Haitao Wang (China National Institute of Standardization), Tianyong Hao (South China Normal University), Xiaolei Lu (City University of Hong Kong)

Submission Instructions
Authors should submit papers reporting original work that are currently not under review or published elsewhere. Accepted full papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Submissions for full papers must be no less than 12 pages and not exceed 15 pages (including citations) in CCIS (Communications in Computer and Information Science) format. We encourage authors to cite related work comprehensively, and when citing conference papers please also consider to cite their extended journal versions if applicable.

NCAA 2021 will employ double-blind reviewing process, every research paper submitted to NCAA 2021 will undergo a “double-blind” reviewing process: the PC members and referees who review the paper will not know the identity of the authors. To ensure anonymity of authorship, authors must prepare their manuscript as follows:

Author’s names and affiliations must not appear on the title page or elsewhere in the paper.
Funding sources must not be acknowledged on the title page or elsewhere in the paper.
Research group members, or other colleagues or collaborators, must not be acknowledged anywhere in the paper.
Source file naming must also be done with care, to avoid identifying the author’s names in the paper’s associated metadata. For example, if your name is Jane Smith and you submit a PDF file generated from a .dvi file called Jane-Smith.dvi, your authorship could be inferred by looking into the PDF file.
It is the responsibility of authors to do their very best to preserve anonymity. Papers that do not follow the guidelines here, or otherwise potentially reveal the identity of the authors, are subject to immediate rejection. Because of the double blind review policy, the submission of an extended version of a short paper which has published elsewhere is strongly discouraged in NCAA 2021.

Please use one of the following templates for the CCIS (Communications in Computer and Information Science) format:

LaTeX2e Proceedings Templates (zip)
Microsoft Word Proceedings Templates (zip)
Microsoft Word 2003 Proceedings Templates (zip)
Any submitted paper violating the length, file type, or formatting requirements will be rejected without review. For any problems with the submission system, please contact the PC co-chairs directly.

Submission URL:
Authors must select one of above-mentioned technical tracks to submit their papers in easychair system. Submitted papers will undergo a double-blind peer review process, coordinated by the International Program Committee.

The Program Chairs are soliciting contributed technical papers for presentation at the Conference and publication in the Conference Proceedings by Springer Verlag in the CCIS. All accepted regular papers will be submitted to Springer Verlag for EI and ISTP indexing. Authors of selected outstanding papers will be invited to submit their extended technical papers to several SCI journals for a possible publication after ordinary review process, such as Neural Computing & Applications (NCA) (pending, impact factor: 4.774), Memetic Computing(pending, impact factor: 3.860), Neurocomputing (pending, impact factor: 4.438) and IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (pending, impact factor: 9.112).

March 1, 2021 (11:59 pm, Pacific Standard Time): Full Paper Due
May 16, 2021: Notification of Accept/Reject
May 30, 2021: Camera-ready Due
July 2-5, 2021: Conference Dates

Related Resources

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