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Iot 2021 : The 5th International online Conference on Internet of Things and Its Application


When May 19, 2021 - May 20, 2021
Where University of Isfahan, Iran (Online))
Submission Deadline Mar 24, 2021
Notification Due Apr 4, 2021
Final Version Due Apr 30, 2021
Categories    iot enabling technologies   iot services and applications   iot and data science   iot and computing

Call For Papers

1st Call for Participation
The 5th International Conference on the Internet of Things and Its Applications
Venue: Faculty of Computer Engineering, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
Date: 19-20 May 2021

The University of Isfahan and The Ferdowsi University of Mashhad are jointly organizing the ّFifth International Conference on Internet of Things to be held on May 19-20, 2021 in Isfahan, Iran.
These universities, among the top-ranked universities in the Middle East with their strong research culture, will host researchers, scientists, engineers, and practitioners in the field of IoT, to exchange their latest research results and findings. It is anticipated that the meeting will gather many people from all around the world.

Due to the prevalence of COVID-19, it will be an online event, which provides a unique platform to connect the researchers from all over the world.

Enabling Technologies
- Low power and energy harvesting sensors
- Wireless Technologies,WSN
- Smart City Communication Infrastructures
- IoT networking Protocols
- IoT Data Management Solutions and Platforms,Streaming Data Management
- Network Design and Architectures for IoT
- Mobile Technologies/Services for IoT
- Ultra-Dense Networks (UDN)
- Machine to Machine Communications (M2M/MTC)
- Efficient Protocols for Resource-Constrained Networks (Energy Efficiency,Spectrum Efficiency,etc.)
- Future Internet and IoT
- Embedded Systems
- IoT Firmwares and Operating Systems
- Security,Privacy-Preserving and Trust Mechanisms for IoT
- Network Management and IoT
- Intelligent Systems for IoT
- 3D printing/scanning
- Advanced Object Identification and Localization

IoT Services and Applications
- Web of Things
- IoT Platforms and Middlewares
- Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality,human-to-object and object-to-object interactions
- IoT and Security Management Services
- Things-Centric,Service-Centric and Data-Centric Architecture
- Location Aware/Context Aware Services and IoT
- IoT and eHealth
- Smart City and IoT
- Smart City Standards
- Smart City Services
- Smart Environments,Environment Monitoring
- Intelligent Transportation Systems, IoV
- Smart Grids and Smart Energy
- Smart Home,Building Automation and Management
- Industrial IoT and I4

IoT and Computing
- Cloud Computing and IoT
- Fog Computing and IoT
- Edge Computing and IoT

IoT and Data Science
- IoT Data Analytics,Big Data
- Semantic Data and IoT
- Smart Data
- IoT and Social Networks
- Deep Learning,Learning From BigData

Conference Chair
Ali Bohlooli
Faculty of Computer Engineering
University of Isfahan

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