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History of Intelligence in the Balkans 2021 : Old and New Insights on the History of Intelligence and Diplomacy in the Balkans


When Mar 15, 2021 - Oct 15, 2021
Where Bucharest
Submission Deadline Mar 15, 2021
Categories    intelligence   diplomacy   balkans   history

Call For Papers

This volume will go into the history of intelligence and diplomacy in the Balkan region. The aim of the volume is to analyse and put into debate various facets (practical and theoretical) of intelligence and diplomacy activities in the Balkans and to provide a better understanding on how has developed over the years those two complementary domains.

Paper proposals on every issue relating to the volume theme are welcome, with special emphasis on: intelligence and diplomacy as complementary domains; intelligence and diplomatic cooperation; cultural framework of intelligence and diplomatic activities; people, talent and human capital in intelligence and diplomacy; intelligence structures and intelligence-gathering, protecting intelligence and diplomatic communication.

We especially encourage paper proposals from young researchers, doctoral students, established scholars and former practitioners. More details at

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