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CIEI 2020 : I International Congress on Children's Education : Commitments and challenges for a healthy childhood


When Nov 19, 2020 - Nov 21, 2020
Where Arequipa - Perú
Submission Deadline Oct 30, 2020
Notification Due Nov 4, 2020
Final Version Due Nov 6, 2020
Categories    education   innovation   early childhood development   technologies

Call For Papers

The International Congress on Early Childhood Education “Commitments and Challenges for a Healthy Childhood” - CIEI 2020 aims to be a space to know, share, analyse and disseminate new advances and trends in early childhood with internationally recognised experts; identifying resources for the improvement of teaching and learning; collaborating with educational innovation work and research results in early childhood education. The CIEI is financed by the National University of San Agustín de Arequipa according to contract N° OEI-01-2020-UNSA

CIEI 2020 has the following objectives:

* To encourage the exchange of innovative experiences, discussion, research and promotion from an academic and professional perspective that favours an integrated concept of teaching.
* To generate theoretical and practical discussions thinking about present and future actions in favour of children.
* To update the multiple and diverse contemporary theoretical approaches articulated with the current situation in Early Childhood Education and teacher training.
* To promote the participation of the local, regional and national community, so that it awakens the interest of all those professionals involved in early childhood care, in order to face social problems, through the application of new tools that allow to give a quality and efficient service, according to the accelerated progress of the world.
* To disseminate and share knowledge, successful experiences, initiatives and good practices in Early Childhood Education.
* Disseminate research results according to the thematic areas to promote improvement actions in favour of early childhood and in initial teacher training.

Research areas:

*Scientific Approaches
- Neuroeducation
*Early Childhood Development
- Health and education
- Early learning
- Emotional Education
- Teacher training and educational practice
- Inclusive teacher training
- Early care and psychomotor skills
*Technologies applied to early childhood education
- Educational robotics
- Augmented and virtual reality
- Digital skills
- Learning analyses
*Research and innovation in education
- Research and teaching: new scenarios
- Research collaboration networks


* Deadline for submission of contributions:
- October 25, 2020.
* Notification of accepted contributions:
- November 4, 2020.
* Submission of the final version of the contribution:
- November 6, 2020

** All accepted papers will be in the conference proceedings that will have ISBN

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