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SCN SI 2020 : Security and Communication Networks, SI on Security, Trust, and Privacy in Machine Learning-Based Internet of Things


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Dec 18, 2020
Categories    security and privacy

Call For Papers

Internet of Things (IoT) allows billions of devices in the physical world as well as virtual environments to exchange data with each other intelligently. For example, smartphones have become an important personal assistant and an indispensable part of people's everyday life and work.

Machine learning has now been widely applied to IoT in order to facilitate performance and efficiency, such as reinforcement learning and deep learning. However, machine learning also suffers many issues, which may threaten the security, trust, and privacy of IoT environments. Among these issues, adversarial learning is one major threat, in which attackers may try to fool the learning algorithm with particular training examples, and lead to a false result.

This Special Issue will focus on cutting-edge research from both academia and industry and aims to solicit original research and review articles with a particular emphasis on discussing the security, trust, and privacy challenges in machine learning-based IoT.

Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:

Machine learning-based intrusion detection
Privacy attacks including machine learning-based attacks
Secure data collection with machine learning-based IoT
IoT privacy and anonymity with machine learning - forensics techniques
Trust management with machine learning for IoT applications
Applications of machine learning in IoT security, trust, and privacy
Vulnerability assessment in machine learning-based IoT
Secure routing in machine learning-based IoT
Adversarial learning for IoT

The deadline is 18 December 2020.
The link:

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