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Python WEB Global Summit 2020 : Online Python WEB Global Summit'20


When Oct 8, 2020 - Oct 9, 2020
Where Online
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    security   database   python frameworks   python language

Call For Papers

Offline events are gone for some time, but the tech world doesn't slow down.
The Python community needs the platform to share latest updates and use cases to improve coding skills and get architectural insights. We aim to provide an online event for Python geeks from all over the world to share what's new in the domain.

Geekle has the unique experience to gather huge tech summits with 11'000+ attendees with 95% of free users registered in other tech domains. Now we hope to make something the world has never seen before for the Python Community.

Python is the whole universe. We understand specific sub-domains like Python Web, Python for ML/AI and Python for Testing. That’s why we separated Python into three unique events. Now we are ready to present the Python WEB Global Summit’20.

Our CFP is open so feel free to apply!

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