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SUSTAINSE 2020 : 1st International Workshop on Sustainable Software Engineering


When Sep 25, 2020 - Sep 25, 2020
Where Virtual
Submission Deadline Aug 10, 2020
Notification Due Aug 24, 2020
Final Version Due Aug 31, 2020
Categories    sustainable software engg   software engineering   green it   green software

Call For Papers

In the United Nations’ World Commission report on Environment and Development, ‘sustainability’ is defined as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”. When applied to software intensive systems and business processes, we define Sustainable Software as "as one that is energy efficient, promotes trustworthy adoption by society and individuals, and is able to serve the requirements of today and a scoped future".

This has a profound impact on the functional and non-functional attributes of software and the design choices made through a software development life-cycle aimed at creating sustainable software systems on three broad principles:

Software systems should be energy efficient and environmentally sustainable.

Software systems should not create new or deepen existing social inequalities.

Software systems should be intrinsically sustainable such that effort and costs of maintenance, new feature development, adapting to new requirements is minimized.

The 1st International Workshop on Sustainable Software Engineering provides a venue for researchers and practitioners to come together and exchange views on sustainable software engineering and define a manifesto for future research in the field. The workshop will focus on the key challenges in weaving ‘sustainability’ as a design consideration in software engineering and explore the novel automated software engineering techniques for building and running sustainable software systems.

There are several avenues such measurement and metrics related to different sustainability concerns, design and code anti-patterns, code refactoring for sustainability, using AI to create advisories for achieving sustainable software goals etc., that participants would explore via the workshop. The goal of the workshop is to start a dialog towards the challenges in this area and understand how techniques from industry and various academic fields can come together to advance this important area of research.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Energy Efficient and Green Software

Energy models and measurement techniques for software systems

Energy efficient architectures for Cloud applications

Energy efficient AI including energy efficient model training and tuning

Design patterns and code patterns for energy efficient programming

Effect of open source libraries, frameworks and reusable software on energy efficient software

Energy efficient Edge and Fog

Trustworthy, Fair and Ethical Software

Models of trustworthy computing

Designing AI for Trust and Fairness

Ethics in AI and ML and its impact on society

Inclusive and Accessible software

Testing AI for fairness and trustworthiness

Trustworthy Cloud and Mobile computing

Software development processes for Sustainable Software

Adapting the SDLC for Sustainable Software Engineering

Requirements engineering for developing Sustainable software

DevOps practices for developing sustainable software

Testing for Sustainability

Experiment design for measuring Software Sustainability

Impact of new technologies like 5G/ DLT/ AR & VR, on sustainable application architectures

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